高粱|白酒的酿造过程Ⅰ(The brewing process of Chinese Baijiu)( 二 )

2.What is the difference in flavor of baijiu made from different raw materials?
Chinese Baijiu made form sorghum tastes fragrant corn tastes sweet barley has a strong stimulating taste rice smell clean and glutinous rice tastes softer.
After a variety of grains are mixed there are various flavors but due to different proportions the flavors are also different.
3. What is the qu? What are the types of qu? What are the differences between different types of qu? What are the differences between different kinds of qu for the wine body style.
(1)Qu is a kind of microbial strain collector and crude enzyme generator manufactured before brewing. The specific method is to crush Grainsoak it in hot water then mix it well press it into a block and place it in the room. Let it grow naturally to form a mature Daqu. (it refers to the Daqu craftsmanship here)
(2)Qu are roughly divided into the following five types.
① Daqu: Made from barley peas wheat etc. Rectangular weighing between 2.5-5.5kg used for brewing Chinese Baijiu The wine made from Daqu has a rich taste.
② Xiaoqu (Small qu): It is made from rice or rice bran about the size of a coin it is mainly used for wine made from rice grown in the south and it is also used for Gaoliang in the southwest. The taste of the wine made from Xiaoqu is relatively thin.
Part of modern Xiaoqu is made of pure artificial bacteria.
③ Fuqu (bran qu): Fuqu use artificially bacteria and bran as raw materials.
④ Wheat qu: made from wheat used for brewing Huangjiu.
⑤ Red qu: rice is used as raw material for brewing Huangjiu.
(3)The qu on the wine body style
In the Chinese Baijiu brewing industry there is always a saying that \"Producing fragrant depends on qu \". To a certain extent this statement is correct. Only the temperature of Daqu-making is used as an example to illustrate the problem. Daqu is divided into three types according to product temperature corresponding to different fragrance types.

【高粱|白酒的酿造过程Ⅰ(The brewing process of Chinese Baijiu)】
