除了著名的巧克力、啤酒和薯条 , 比利时美食也以其微妙口味和宽大分量的菜肴而闻名 。 比利时烹饪独一无二 , 处于多种影响的十字路口 , 包含着传统和独有的材料 , 如兰比克啤酒、苦苣、康福伦斯啤梨和北海灰虾 。
在比利时住宅拍摄的《大使的厨房》第六集 , 参与者面临的挑战正是复制比利时传统食谱 , 制作出独特的风味 。 比利时大使高洋博士亲自向参与者介绍比利时美食 , 之后让参加者自己制作一些比利时菜肴 。 由比利时大使以及比利时厨师莫劳组成的评委会接着一分一分评价了每位参赛者的烹饪创作 , 判断味道是否与老家的一致 。
Next to its famous chocolate beer and fries Belgian gastronomy includes dishes known for their generosity and subtle taste. At a crossroad of influences Belgian cuisine is unique incorporating traditional and exclusive ingredients like lambic beer endives conference pears or grey shrimps from the North Sea.
The challenge of the participants of the sixth episode of the Ambassador’s Kitchen shot in the Belgian residence is precisely to replicate Belgian traditional recipes made with unique flavours. Our Ambassador Dr. Jan Hoogmartens took it upon him to personally introduce Belgian gastronomy to the contestants after which they had to prepare some Belgian dishes themselves. The jury composed of our Ambassador and the Dean of Belgian food in Beijing Mr. Renaat Morel then judged each contestant’s culinary creation on whether or not it was close enough to give them a taste of home.
【年货|今晚10点,我们一起看大使的厨房!】Are you interested in learning more? Tune in to Jiangsu TV at 10 PM or Mango TV at 10:20 PM tonight and learn everything there is to know about Belgian cuisine.
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