licorice 甘草,licorice sentence 甘草造句

licorice 甘草 liquorice; licorice; Radix liquiritiae; liquiritia glycyrrhiza; licorice root . licorice sentence 甘草造句
It is one of the best strains for contributing big tannin volume and is characterized by ripe fruit, smoke and a licorice finish.
这是一个最好的品种和数量,为促进宁大特点是成熟果实,烟、甘草到底 。

licorice 甘草,licorice sentence 甘草造句

The dark, brooding 2001 Sperss displays great character with its complex nose of tar, licorice, underbrush and new oak.
颜色深暗的思波斯果园2001展现出焦油,甘草,灌木丛和新橡木等复杂的香气 。
Today we spent quite a bit of time trying to find the source of a lovely black licorice smell.
Licorice has been used for centuries as an expectorant to loosen phlegm.
甘草用于化痰已有几个世纪了 。
On the top step a fat woman in a print dress holds out a licorice stick to a little girl.
在台阶顶上,一个穿着印花裙子的胖女人递给一个小女孩甘草棒棒糖 。
Put the marshmallow, licorice, elderberries, cloves, tangerine peel, anise, and eucalyptus leaves into a pan with the water.
在锅中加入水,放入药蜀葵、甘草、草莓、丁香、陈皮、茴香、桉树叶 。
In keeping with the candy theme, it was rumored once before that she was going to name the album licorice.
与糖果主题相一致的是,也曾有传闻说她要将其命名为甘草糖 。
He once tried to fight a bobcat for some licorice. So, everybody grab a plate and a pretty place mat that shelly wove.
他有一次为了甘草跟山猫打了一架 。大家拿盘子,还有谢尔顿织的餐垫 。
Ancient Chinese medical scientists in clinical practice for thousands of years have been good at using licorice.
中国古今医学家在几千年的临床实践中一向善于用甘草 。
Isoliquritigenin is one of the most important chalcone compounds from licorice, it has a variety of biological activities.
异甘草素是甘草中的一个重要的查尔酮化合物,具有多种生理活性 。
Method: TLC was used to qualitative identity of honeysuckle and licorice root in Jinju pharyngitis granules.
方法:用薄层色谱法对金菊咽炎颗粒中的金银花、甘草进行定性鉴别 。
Very pretty aromas of currants, licorice and lead pencil. Full-bodied, with a solid core of velvety tannins and along finish.
强烈的皮革,甘草和铅味,酒体丰满,单宁柔顺坚实,回味悠长 。
This method was simple, convenient, and was appropriate to control the quality of Licorice Mixture Compounds.
本方法简便可靠,重现性好,可作为复方甘草合剂质量控制方法 。
Overview: The Division licorice tincture mainly produced in northeast China, licorice, licorice obtained by ethanol extraction tincture.
概述:本司甘草酊主要采用中国东北地区产的甘草,用乙醇浸提制得甘草酊 。
Relieves Discomfort-from occasional or seasonal eye, skin or respiratory irritation with stinging nettle, xanthium, eyebright and licorice.
缓解不适–对于偶尔的或是季节性的眼睛,皮肤,上呼道炎症,有刺荨麻,苔儿属,小米草和欧亚甘草来缓解 。
Some over-the-counter products may contain ingredients like licorice root, vitamin c, vitamin K, soy and hydroquinone.
某些非处方产品可能包含甘草根、维生素C、维生素K、大豆和对苯二酸 。
Main compositions: Pomegranate essence, Ivy vine, Mulberry tree extract, Licorice, Citrus paradise extract.
主要成份:红石榴素、常青藤、天然桑树萃取精华、甘草萃取液、葡萄柚精华 。
Method: TLC was used to qualitative identity of honeysuckble and licorice root in Jinju pharyngitis granules.
