botany 植物 花草 a living thing that grows in the earth and usually has a stem , leaves and roots, especially one that is smaller than a tree or bush . plant sentence 植物造句 .
it can be distinguished from other plant varieties of the same plant specie by the expression of at least one of the said characteristics.
至少有一个上述性状表达区别于相同植物种类的其它植物品种 。
Trade statistics showed the plant made of ivory button once 20% market share, so it was one of the main commodities.
贸易统计资料显示植物象牙制作的扣子曾一度占市场份额的20%,因此它是当时的主要日用品之一 。
It is sort of a botanical outlaw — a parasitic plant that steals nutrients from another plant while deceiving insects into pollinating it.
这是一种植物的非法侵犯—一种寄生植物从另一种植物上窃取营养从而诱引昆虫授粉 。
Watch carefully to see how the broad bean grows into a new plant.
仔细观察,看蚕豆在若干天后怎样成长为新植物 。
It was like watching a starved plant draw up water, to see her drink in his companionship.
这情形就象看着一株憔悴的植物吸进水份一样,眼看着她和自己在一起吸收着友谊 。
The coexistence of many plant species competing for a few resources is one of the central puzzles of community ecology.
许多植物种类在竞争几种资源的情况下共存是种群生态学的核心难题之一 。
Since the turn of the 20th century, how much of the world’s plant genetic diversity for food and agriculture has been lost?
Chloroplasts are plant photosynthesis, place, can effectively will be the light of the sun energy into chemical energy.
叶绿体是植物进行光合作用的场所,能有效将太阳的光能量转化成化学能 。
This experiment had a real tomato plant in one box, and a tomato plant made out of felt fabric in the other.
这次试验中,一个盒子里放着真正的番茄植物,另一个盒子里放着毛毡制作的番茄植物 。
Here the word protein is referred to as animal protein, for many legumes, seeds and sprouts contain plenty of plant protein.
这里指的是动物蛋白质,许多豆类植物含有丰富的植物蛋白质 。
Modern, manufactured days can be costly. Natural dyes form plant and animal products have been used since ancient times.
现代的人造染料会比较贵,而从动、植物提取的天然染料在远古时期就已被使用了 。
Before people arrived it was home to just a flightless bird, a land crab and no more than 30 species of plant, none as big as a bush.
在人类到达这座岛屿之前,它只是一种不会飞的鸟类、一种陆蟹和不超过30种植物的家园,所有植物的大小都不超过一丛灌木 。
Recombination of the numerous genes which determine crop yield and quality is usually the next phase of plant breeding.
决定作物产量和品质的许多基因重组,通常是植物育种的下一个阶段 。
In my research I discovered a unique group of genes necessary for a plant to determine if it’s in the light or in the dark.
在我的研究中,我发现了一种植物必需的独特的基因组,它决定植物是在阳光下,还是在阴暗里 。
【plant 植物,plant sentence 植物造句】in the afternoon. my farther asked me to help him water the plant. and i was happy to see the flowers smiling in the wind.
下午爸爸叫我帮他给植物浇水 。看到那些在风中微笑的花儿我很开心 。
Last summer I had reached the end of the rock garden and found a tiny little plant that I could not immediately identify.
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