plant 植物,plant sentence 植物造句( 四 )

To find the name of a plant species it is often necessary to have a close look and count the male and female organs in the flowers.
仔细观察并认真数花的雄性雌性器官的数量,这对于找出一种植物种类的名称经常是很必要的 。
The widely different degrees of extractability of the plant membrane lipids indicate the heterogeneous nature of membrane structure .
植物膜类脂的可抽提性的程度有很大差异,这表明了膜结构的异质性 。
Bio-plastics, a biodegradable product made from plant extracts, were used for the engine cover and parts of the interior.
生物塑料,可生物降解产品,从植物提取物,是用于发动机罩和部分内部 。
The hemlock is often confused with the water hemlock a different plant altogether, causes convulsions.
人们经常将毒堇与水毒堇混淆,水毒堇是另外一种植物,它只会导致抽搐 。

plant 植物,plant sentence 植物造句

Such a method includes fermentation of a genetically modified microorganism or plant to produce L-ascorbic acid.
这类方法包括发酵经遗传修饰的微生物或植物来产生L-抗坏血酸 。
Sarracenia are considered easy to grow and are widely propagated and cultivated by gardeners and carnivorous plant enthusiasts.
瓶子草被认为是比较好种的食虫植物,被园艺和食虫植物爱好者广泛繁殖和栽培 。
Chinese notebooks record the case of a scholar who was refused new off shoots from a plant and was sentenced to jail for stealing it.
中国古书中有一段记载说,一位学者因为朋友不愿把一种植物的新枝送给他,便实行偷窃,结果被捕入狱 。
During the history of plant breeding there has been a desire to increase the choice of genes (the gene pool) available FOR crop improvement.
在植物育种的历史中,人们一直希望增加对可用于植物改良的基因(基因库)的选择机会 。
The pleiotropy of the five well-studied plant hormones is somewhat analogous to that of certain hormones in animal.
这五种被仔细研究过的植物激素的多效性在某种程度上类似动物的特定激素 。
The problem is to note that the ratio of animal and plant, each with its half of the right, it’s only a good balance of protein intake.
问题是要注意到,动物和植物,都有其权利的一半比例,这仅仅是一个良好的蛋白质摄入量的平衡 。
Within the plant kingdom are to be found a vast array of chemical structures.
在植物王国之内是被发现浩大的一些化学结构 。
