mulberry桑葚 桑椹 the small purple or white berry of the mulberry tree.
mulberry 桑树 a tree with broad dark green leaves and berries that can be eaten. Silkworms (that make silk) eat the leaves of the white mulberry .
mulberry sentence 桑葚造句 桑椹造句 桑树造句

A fruit formed from several separate flowers crowded on a single axis , as a mulberry or pineapple .
由聚集在单个花轴上的几个分离花形成的果实,如桑葚和菠萝 。
The mixture comprises mulberry leaves, mulberries, cassia seeds, asparagus, lily roots and senna leaves.
所述的混合物包括:桑叶、桑葚、决明子、天冬、百合和蕃泻叶 。
THE FACE SHOP pores referral management expert series, the BlackBerry series, and the white mulberry tree series.
引荐THEFACESHOP毛孔管理专家系列、黑莓桑葚系列和白树系列 。
The aroma displays aniseed, licorice, plums and mulberry with underlying sweet vanilla.
香气呈现出在甜蜜香草味道基础上的茴香、甘草,李子和桑葚的香气 。
Aromas of plum and mulberry are complemented by earthiness and spice which follow onto the palate with savoury tannins.
李子和桑葚混合的香气里伴有泥土和香料的气味,随后是浓厚的单宁味道 。
enjoy moderate drinking from a grape, mulberry and apricot wine made from “Hunza Water. ”
喜欢适量饮用一种由葡萄、桑葚和杏制成的酒“罕萨之水” 。
Mulberry: This slow-growing tree is ideal for a large pot.
桑葚:这种生长缓慢的树需要一个较大的盆栽盆 。
In summer the mulberry trees would stain the green grass with crimson pulp.
夏天的时候,桑树林里的绿色草皮上就会染上桑葚的深红汁液 。
Cool fruit such as watermelon, melons, pear, banana, mulberry, persimmon, differences, etc.
凉性水果如西瓜、甜瓜、梨、香蕉、桑葚、柿子、荸荠等 。
Now, whenever I see farmers sell mulberry or Pomegranate in the basket in China, I always thinking of figs trees at home in Sydney.
现在,每当我看见中国城市有农民挎着篮子卖桑葚、石榴等,不禁感慨家中的无花果树 。
The mulberry red pigment was extracted from the mulberry juice, and its physicochemical properties were studied, too.
本试验从桑椹原浆中提取桑椹红色素,并对其理化性质开展研究 。
The doctor also provided a nourishing recipe for black sesame mulberry paste as a reference.
医师也提供了一帖「黑芝麻桑椹糊」食补,供民众参考 。
Taking mulberry as main material, mulberry wine was produced with temperature controlling technique and alcohol fermentation process.
研究以桑椹为主要原料,采用控温发酵技术酿制桑椹果酒的工艺流程 。
The constitutions, pharmacological functions and the exploitation especially sorosis in medicine of mulberry is presented in this paper.
本文概括了桑椹的营养成分、药理作用及药用等开发利用 。
Uses the TCL method, clear and differential spots of mulberry, purslane, stigma may presented in different developing solvent.
采用薄层层析法,在分别不同的展开系统中,马齿苋、桑椹子、玉米须、均能得到清晰、特异性的斑点 。
Mulberry red pigment hence was a good kind of natural radical scavenger.
桑椹红色素是一种很好的天然自由基清除剂 。
The article gave a introduction of the mulberry, reviewed the mulberry wine’s production process.
为主要原料,采用控温发酵技术酿制桑椹果酒的工艺流程 。
Deep ruby in colour, the wine shows lifted raspberry and mulberry characters with subtle vanilla and oak nuances.
这款酒呈深宝石红色,展示了明显的覆盆子与桑椹的特征并伴有细微的香草和橡木味 。
- 桑葚的功效与作用以及食用方法和禁忌
- 桑椹熬制泡酒的制作方法(桑葚酒的做法)
- 马桑果与桑葚的区别
- 桑的栽培技术
- 桑葚子怎么吃效果好 桑葚怎么吃最好?
- 桑葚干泡酒补肾壮阳配方 桑葚酒的制作方法
- 桑葚干能提高性功能吗 桑葚的营养价值
- 桑葚与枸杞的功效与作用禁忌 桑葚功效与作用禁忌
- 桑葚相克的食物 桑葚和什么不能一起吃
- 孕妇能吃桑葚芝麻粉吗 孕妇可以吃桑葚吗?