mulberry 桑葚 桑椹 桑树,mulberry sentence 桑葚造句 桑椹造句 桑树造句( 三 )

This paper review progress nutrition ingredients of mulberry, the development of mulberry foods and the use in medical.
就桑椹的营养成分、桑椹食品的开发及在医疗中的运用进行了总结 。
In fact, the most important thing is not to taste the delicious mulberry, want to taste is relaxing life.
其实,重要的不是品尝美味的桑椹,要品味的是休闲放松的生活 。

mulberry 桑葚 桑椹 桑树,mulberry sentence 桑葚造句 桑椹造句 桑树造句

The mulberry juice has a lot of anthocyanins.
桑椹果汁中含有大量的花色苷类物质 。
Isolation of a Yeast Strain for Mulberry Fruit Wine and Determination of Its Tolerance
Yeast Selection for Mulberry Wine Production and Optimization of Its Production Techniques
Peach, lee, dates, chestnut, followed by pears, mei, apricot, hazel, persimmon, melons, hawthorn, mulberry
Earth horizontal spacious, the houses set out in neat order, has being of the fertile farmland beautiful pond mulberry bamboo.
这里土地平坦开阔,房屋整整齐齐,有肥沃的田地,美丽的池塘和桑树竹子之类 。
Yangchun in March, a few patches of light rain, the mulberry busy to take care of their children, give birth to a small fruit.
阳春三月,下过几阵小雨后,桑树忙着照顾自己的孩子,生出了一个个小青果 。
Favored with the advantaged climate, Suzhou with its surrounding areas is suitable for raising silk and planting mulberry trees.
以得天独厚的气候,与周边地区的苏州青睐适合提高丝绸和种植桑树 。
There, Xi He would wash her children in the lake and put them in the branches of an enormous mulberry tree called fu-sang.
在那里,席,他将撒手不管她的孩子在湖边,把他们的分支机构巨大的桑树所谓的富生 。
A preliminary study of economic characters of mulberry planted within contour hedgerows of nitrogen fixing plants.
固氮植物篱梯埂套种桑树效益初探 。
The nutrition value and digestibility effect of mulberry were always better than that of local grass and tree leaves . . .
桑树与印度及非洲的一些牧草、树叶比较,其营养效价及动物的消化吸收率均有优势 。
Regrettably, it was later discovered that both species of mulberry were used in the orient for silk.
遗憾的是,后来发现,这两个种桑树在东方的丝绸使用 。
Ingredients: amino acid protein, ginseng essence, macromolecule sunproof factor, mulberry whitening extract etc.
成份:氨基酸蛋白、人参精华、高分子防晒剂、桑树净白精华等 。
The spurting blood turned the white mulberry tree into a dark purple.
那飞溅的鲜血把那棵白桑树也染成了深紫色 。
Main compositions: Pomegranate essence, Ivy vine, Mulberry tree extract, Licorice, Citrus paradise extract.
主要成份:红石榴素、常青藤、天然桑树萃取精华、甘草萃取液、葡萄柚精华 。
Ingredients: Lavender liquid extract, Mulberry Extract, Honey Extract, Arbutin, Purified Water, etc.
成份:薰衣草精华萃取液,桑树提取液,蜂蜜提取液、熊果苷、精纯水等 。
To extract mulberry processing fiber from mulberry bast, chemical and bio-chemical degumming methods were adopted in the degumming test.
为从桑树韧皮中提取出桑皮工艺纤维,对桑树韧皮采用化学脱胶法和生物-化学联合脱胶法分别进行了脱胶试验 。
Ingredients: Lavender Extract, Mulberry Extract, Honey Extract, Purified Water, etc.
成份:薰衣草提取液,桑树提取液,蜂蜜提取液、精纯水等 。
Ingredients: Rose Extract, Mulberry Extract, Honey Essence, Arbutin, Purified Water, etc.
