licorice 甘草,licorice sentence 甘草造句( 二 )

目的:为完善金菊咽炎颗粒质量标准,控制制剂质量提供检测方法 。
One day, he found an oval leaves plant on the roadside, he was freshened up after tasting it, so he named it as “Licorice” .
第一天,神农氏在路边发现了一株植物,叶子是椭圆形的,他吃了之后感到身体清爽了许多 。于是给它起了个名字,叫“甘草” 。
Licorice, ephedra if and digitalis, to advanced cardiac western medicine can be induced by digitalis poisoning, caused by arrhythmias.
甘草、麻黄若与洋地黄、地高等强心西药合用,可诱发洋地黄中毒、引起心律失常 。
Ingredients: Aloe, chamomile, licorice extract, Melissa, Vitamin F, rose extract and immunepo polysaccharide cellular stimulator.
成份:芦荟、洋甘菊、甘草提取精华、香蜂草、维他命F、玫瑰精华、免疫多糖细胞激活剂 。
Simmer until the liquid is reduced by one-fifth. Remove the licorice and eucalyptus leaves and discard.
慢火煮至液体量为原来五分之一,将甘草和桉树叶挑出 。
The main bioactive constituents of licorice are triterpene saponins and flavonoids.
目的研究地榆中的三萜皂苷类成分及其抗炎活性 。
Spices obtained from roots include sassafras , angelica , sarsaparilla and licorice.
从香料基层得到包括檫,当归,萨萨帕里拉和甘草 。
Captivating and caressing, Jasmin Noir is a rich mix of voluptuous floral and precious woody notes with accents of almond and licorice.
迷人和爱抚,茉莉比诺是一个妖娆的花卉和珍贵的木香调与杏仁和甘草口音丰富的组合 。
Extremely complex bouquet, with characteristic Sangiovese aromas of soft tobacco, licorice and cacao.
典型的桑吉奥维斯葡萄的香气伴随着烟草、欧亚甘草与可可的芳香 。
There was a small ceremony with licorice rings.
我们戴着甘草戒指,举行了简单的仪式 。
Ingredient: Arbutin, Marine Pearl Whitening Essence, Vitamin C, Licorice Essence, Pearl Powder.
熊果苷、海洋珍珠净白精华、维他命C、甘草精华、珍珠粉 。
Mouthfeel is fruity Gan Chun, contain fragrant fruit sweet, still give the sweet smell of Taffy of cinnamonic, butter and licorice fully.
口感圆润甘醇,带有馥郁的果香,还透出肉桂、奶油太妃糖和甘草的香味 。
These include sassafras, vanilla, wintergreen, cherry-tree bark, licorice root, black cherry and cane sugar.
这些措施包括檫,香草,冬青,樱花树的树皮,甘草,黑樱桃和甘蔗 。
Deep red with light, purple hues. Cherry and berry aromas are balanced with a hint of licorice and chocolaty oak.
深红的色泽中隐约可见淡淡的浅紫,樱桃和浆果的清香与甘草和巧克力的混合气味达到完美均衡 。

licorice 甘草,licorice sentence 甘草造句

In the traditional formula sold in most tablets, licorice is present in only small quantities and shouldn’t be a problem, clinicians say.
临床医师说,在大多数药剂所使用的传统配方中,甘草的剂量很小,应当不会造成问题 。
Main Ingredients: Chinese angelica, medlar, ginseng, Chinese yam, licorice, etc.
产品成分:当归、枸杞、人参、山药、甘草等 。
Palate: Medium bodied with excellent depth of flavour including plums and dark cherries with hints of spice and licorice.
口感:带有深深馨香口感的适当酒体,包含有李子和黑莓果味和少量的辛辣和甘草口感 。
You can find it in oral supplements or topical lotions (unfortunately, licorice candy won’t work).
在目前的口服辅助,或外用洗液中就有这种物质(不幸的是,甘草精糖果不起作用) 。更详细 。
Antismoking groups say the proposal is aimed against flavorings like chocolate, licorice and sugar.
