carnation 康乃馨,carnation sentence 康乃馨造句( 三 )

Carnations, originating in the Mediterranean coast, hi cool and sunny environment, impatient with hot, dry and low temperature.
康乃馨,原产地中海沿岸,喜凉爽和阳光充足环境,不耐炎热、干燥和低温 。
Send a bunch of carnation for mother, then plug in a greeting card, write the mother’s day, mom will stay very touching.
给妈妈送上一束康乃馨,再插上一张贺卡,写上母亲节的寄语,妈妈一定会很感动的 。
White: White carnations are often chosen in context with purity and spirituality.
白色:白色康乃馨通常代表精神上的纯洁 。
【carnation 康乃馨,carnation sentence 康乃馨造句】He takes roses, or carnations, pulls out a twig, but only when they’re fresh.
他拿玫瑰,或是康乃馨,拔掉一个嫩枝,仅仅是它们新鲜的时候 。
Li lei, will you accompany me to the flower market this afternoon? Tomorrow’s Mother’s day, so I need some carnation for my mother.
李蕾,今天下午能陪我去一下花市吗?明天是母亲节,我想给母亲买康乃馨 。
The White Carnation: Represented the sweetness, purity and endurance of mother love. Also thinking of to deceased mother.
白色康乃馨:象征着母爱的甜蜜、纯洁和永久 。还可寄托对已故母亲的哀悼思念之情 。
“The American War Mothers, which still exists, used Mother’s Day for fundraising and sold carnations every year, ” Antolini said.
“美国战争的母亲,现在仍然存在,每年利用母亲节筹款和售卖康乃馨,”Antolini说 。
The pink carnation: Wish mother to be beautiful young forever.
粉色康乃馨:祝母亲永远美丽,年轻 。
Pink carnations grew fromswheresher tears fell on the ground, and became the symbol of a mother’s love.
粉红色的康乃馨从她的眼泪滴落的土地上开出来,并成了母爱的象征 。
But at last he will choose the carnation to company with him through his life.
但是他会选择一支康乃馨来共渡人生 。
Buy some small red carnations, which last well, and insert the flowers into the foam amongst the greenery .
买一些小的红色康乃馨,然后把花插入绿叶中间的泡沫里 。
Carnation’s scientific name is dianthus caryophyllys. Dianthus is the Latin word meaning “flower of love” or “flower of the gods” .
Those whose mothers are still living often wear a pink or red rose or carnation, while those whose mothers are dead wear a white one.
那些母亲仍然生活常常穿着粉红色或红玫瑰或康乃馨,而那些死去的母亲是穿白色 。
Ah! Carnations , I love you! I would like to pick your own, dedicated to my dearest mother.
啊!康乃馨,我喜欢你呀!我愿意亲手将你采摘,献给我最最亲爱的妈妈 。
The carnation: The great scared kindly mild and fragrant mother love.
红色康乃馨:热烈的爱、祝母亲健康长寿 。
Pink carnations meant, “My love for you is strong and great” .
粉红色康乃馨意味着:我对你的爱很坚强(爱的很深) 。

carnation 康乃馨,carnation sentence 康乃馨造句

Meaning: on behalf of the rhyme carnation great, divine, kindly, blessing.
康乃馨的韵意:代表伟大、神圣、慈祥,淘宝网,祝福 。
Miss Anna Jarvis continued with the practice of sending carnations to the Andrews Church.
此后,安娜·贾维斯小姐继续给安德鲁斯教堂送康乃馨 。
Carnations were her mothers favorite flower and Anna felt that they symbolised a mothers pure love.
康乃馨是她的母亲最喜欢的花和安娜认为,他们象征着纯洁的爱母亲 。
