carnation 康乃馨,carnation sentence 康乃馨造句( 二 )

They welcomed us with a bunch each of roses and carnations, and we took it as an omen of the friendliness of the local people.
她们呈上一束玫瑰和康乃馨,这一刻,我们预感到了道县人民的友好 。
Yes ah! As long as the heart, love, carnation flowers will never disappear.
是啊!只要心中有爱,康乃馨的花香就永远不会消失 。
“Little pink carnations? ” said the Queen of Scots.
“一些粉色康乃馨?”苏格兰女王问道 。
Then “overseas people” began unloading carnations, he says, and virtually chased U. S. carnation growers out of business.
据他说,后来“海外人群”开始倾销康乃馨,最终迫使美国的康乃馨种植商退出该行业 。
And call for a mixture of flowers (roses, gladiola, carnations, and lilies to name a few).
还需要混合的各种花(玫瑰,剑兰,康乃馨和百合花等等) 。
She was the one who chose the second Sunday in May and also began the custom of wearing a carnation.
是她选择了五月的第二个星期日,也是她开始了佩戴康乃馨的习俗 。
carnation (stripped) – no! , refusal, sorry i can’t be with you.
康乃馨(有斑纹)-不!拒绝,我不能和你在一起 。
Spices commonly used for cooking belong to this family, as well as floral notes such as carnation.
这个家族的辛香通常用于厨艺,也用于如康乃馨的花香调 。
Carnations are not so leisure as peony, not so fragrant as lily, but they give out delicate fragrance, just like your love to me.
五月康乃馨,没有牡丹的雍容,没有百合的浓香,只是默默散发着沁人心脾的清香,就像您对我的爱 。
Peach: Peach carnations show your devotion, your desire for the woman of your dreams.
桃色:桃色康乃馨代表了你对梦中情人的挚爱和渴望 。
John: Oh, no, carnations are not very elegant. Artificial flowers have no passion.
约翰:哦,不,康乃馨不够优雅 。人造花又缺乏激情 。
As a custom red carnations are worn to honor living mothers and white carnations for the deceased mothers.
习性上,人们佩摘白色康乃馨背健在的母亲表现敬意,佩戴红色康乃馨留念未故的母亲 。
Oh, no. Carnations are not very elegant. Artificial flowers have no passion.
噢,不 。康乃馨不够高雅 。人造花缺乏激情 。

carnation 康乃馨,carnation sentence 康乃馨造句

Purple: Purple carnations can be a sign of love at first sight or else they demonstrate your commitment to your girl.
紫色:紫色康乃馨可以说是一见钟情的标志,或者说阐释了你对女孩的承诺 。
Effects of different culture methods and different media on the rooting of Carnation ( Dianthus caryophyllus) to vitro shoots are studied.
初步研究了不同培养方式和不同培养基对康乃馨试管苗生根的影响 。
Early spring, carnations staged just like a doll come to this world, everything here is full of curiosity .
初春,康乃馨破土而出,像一个刚刚来到这个世界的娃娃,对这里的一切都充满好奇 。
Pure white represents the pure love and lucky, Pattern of representative carnation courtship refused to apologize.
纯白色代表了纯洁的爱和幸运;花纹康乃馨代表拒绝求爱时的道歉 。
Carnations: as sweet as they are beautiful, Carnations can be steeped in wine or eaten plain.
康乃馨:甜而美丽的花 。可以用来泡酒和食用 。
Notes: Lotus, Freesia, Cyclamen , Rose Water, Fresh Peonies, Carnation, White Lilies, Precious Woods, Osmanthus, Tuberose, Amberseed, Musk.
香调:睡莲,鸢尾科,樱草属之植物,玫瑰水,新鲜牡丹,康乃馨,白色百合,珍贵林木,木犀属植物,晚香玉,麝香鹿 。
