begonia 海棠 海棠花,begonia sentence 海棠造句 海棠花造句

begonia 海棠、海棠花、秋海棠、四季海棠 a plant with large shiny flowers that may be pink, red, yellow or white, grown indoors or in a garden. begonia sentence 海棠造句 海棠花造句.

begonia 海棠 海棠花,begonia sentence 海棠造句 海棠花造句

Upon entering the door, greeted the Yi Keke Begonia flower, in the quiet growth.
一进大门,映入眼帘的是一棵棵海棠花,在静静地的生长 。
Only when the wind, Begonia flower fly, and she have a beautiful life you want. Youth a Ruo.
只有风生的时候,海棠花飞,她才有你要的命美丽 。
Begonia flowers are likely to be maintained for a long period of 8. 8 per cent off, so the comparison was still in the original price.
海棠花则大概会维持很长一段时间的8.8折的折扣,所以比较时仍按照原价 。
empress lifetime love of flowers, especially orchids, apricot, plum, Begonia goods like flowers.
皇后一生爱花,尤其是兰花,杏,李子,海棠花一样的货物 。
It is worth mentioning that the Begonia flower food, he actually sent two lettuce and vegetable salad.
这里值得一提的是海棠花料理,他居然送了两盘生菜和蔬菜沙拉 。
Lesson peach apple flower Begonia flower planted many fruit trees in our village.
第二课桃花苹果花海棠花我们村里种了许多果树 。
Busan incense and flowers followed by Begonia, Deoksugung While many kinds of soup, but it gives people a feeling of excess kimchi.
釜山香和海棠花其次,德寿宫的汤种虽然多,但给人一种泡菜过剩的感觉 。
For the pork a knife is concerned, the best performance is the Palace and the Begonia flower, but also clear-cut a “streaky. ”
对于五花肉的刀工来讲,表现最好的是丽宫和海棠花,而且是清晰分明的“五花” 。
Watch End Begonia flower, we visited the Mochou Lake focus – Mo woman.
观赏完海棠花,我们又参观了莫愁湖的重点——莫愁女 。
Begonia flowers and roses-yan ah really!
Half-hardy perennials include dahlia, geranium, gerbera, and tuberous begonia.
半耐寒性多年生种子包括大丽花,天竺葵,大丁草和球根秋海棠 。
Autumn, Yurun wind is clear, transparent and bright as crystal, it is Begonia dark knot heart, piece by piece, and also beautiful.
秋光,玉润风清,通透明亮如琉璃,那是秋海棠暗结的心,一片一片,凋零也绝美 。
Tissue Culture and Plantlet Regeneration of Begonia heracleifolia Cham . Et Schlechtend.
枫叶秋海棠的组织培养与植株再生 。
Begonia pulvinifera is rare, currently known only from one population near the border of China and Vietnam.
肿柄秋海棠目前仅发现有一个族群,分布于中国与越南边境附近,数量稀少 。
Study on Rapid Propagation of Begonia rex Putz . (
蟆叶秋海棠快速繁殖的研究 。
begonia 海棠 海棠花,begonia sentence 海棠造句 海棠花造句

I am very fond of Begonia, like Ling Han solo appearance and character.
我是极喜爱秋海棠的,喜欢它凌寒独舞的神采和风骨 。
Begonia gulinqingensis, a Rare Plant and Its Wild Resource Status and Biological Characters
Study on Introduction and Domestication of Wild Begonia cavaleriei and Its Application
Developmental Mechanism and Distribution Pattern of Stomatal Clusters in Begonia peltatifolia
Observation of Leaf Epidermis and Its Hair of Begonia from Yunnan
