carnation 康乃馨,carnation sentence 康乃馨造句

康乃馨 Carnation; Carnations; Dianthus caryophyllus, a flower with a sweet smell, often worn as a decoration on formal occasions such as weddings.
“Dear Mother, I must want this dream into a reality! ” This oath is not correct beauty represents the beauty of her heart of hearts ?
“亲爱的妈妈,我一定要这个梦变成现实!”这美丽的誓言不正代表了她那颗美丽的心灵吗美丽康乃馨老婆婆 。

carnation 康乃馨,carnation sentence 康乃馨造句

Says: “I can’t be with you, but I’m going through the trouble of locating and buying striped carnations to say that. ”
花语:“我不能和你在一起,但是我正费好大事,去寻找且购买斑纹康乃馨来说出这个心里话 。”
It was Jarvis who originated the custom of wearing a carnation on Mother’s Day because carnation was her mother’s favorite flower.
正是加维斯引起了在母亲节佩戴康乃馨的风俗,因为康乃馨是她妈妈最喜爱的花 。
Carnations – representing her mother’s flower alias: carnation plant classification: China division.
康乃馨——象征母亲的花别名:香石竹植物分类:石竹科 。
It doesn’t matter what you’re squeezing the compound out of. It could be a carnation, a corn plant or a castor bean .
从什麽里面挤出复合物并不重要,可以是康乃馨、玉米植株或者蓖麻子 。
Out of the corner of my eye I saw the Valentine’s Day bouquet of roses and carnations my husband, David, had given me.
我从眼角瞥见了那由玫瑰和康乃馨组成的情人节花束 。那是我丈夫戴维送给我的 。
Mother’s Day, the children’s mother a bouquet of carnations is happy, all her hard work will be dissipated and the wronged.
母亲节时,儿女的一束康乃馨就是母亲的幸福,她所有的辛劳与委屈都将消散 。
And the carnation would always forgive his naughty behavior and wait him to be back home when he feel tired from playing.
而康乃馨会含笑纵容他的顽皮并耐心等待他在玩累时回家 。
Under light of different quality with a similar irradiance , test-tube seedlings of Dianthus caryophyllus L. were compared.
在相近似的辐照度、不同的光质条件下,我们比较了各种光质对康乃馨试管苗生长发育的影响 。
The colors of these vases can be enhanced by the pink lily and snapdragons, yellow carnations, and purple wax flower.
这些花瓶可以由粉红的百合花和金鱼草、黄色康乃馨和紫色蜡花来增加吸引力 。
overseas, the carnation flower is regarded as dedicated to his mother.
在外洋,康乃馨被视为献给母亲的花 。
A pink carnation is to honor a living mother and a white carnation is memory of a mother who passed away.
粉红色的康乃馨是为了向在世的妈妈表示敬意,而白色的康乃馨则是为了纪念一位已经过世的母亲 。
To begin with Anna, send Carnations in the church service in Grafton, West Virginia to honor her mother.
首先安娜派在格拉夫顿,西弗吉尼亚州的教会服务的康乃馨,纪念她的母亲 。
On Mother’s Day this year, Tom bought a bundle of carnations for his mother.
今年母亲节,汤姆为妈妈买了一束康乃馨 。
“Let it be powdered with little pink carnations, ” said the Countess.
“在上面点缀一些粉色康乃馨” 。伯爵夫人说 。
On Valentine’s Day in high school, student council sold carnations that would be delivered to your friends in first period.
高中时的情人节,学生会卖送给你一年级的朋友的康乃馨 。
I was a lonely teenage broncin’ buck, With a pink carnation and a pickup truck.
我是个布鲁克林的小年轻,头插一支粉色康乃馨,驾着一辆小货车 。
