azalea 杜鹃 杜鹃花,azalea sentence 杜鹃造句 杜鹃花造句

Rhododendron simsii; azalea,杜鹃、杜鹃花,azalea sentence、Rhododendron simsii sentence,杜鹃造句、杜鹃花造句
While watching passersby, she sits on bench next to a fountain, purple rhododendrons, and a bed of petunias .
她坐在长椅上看著人来人往,而旁边就是喷泉、紫色的杜鹃花与牵牛花圃 。

azalea 杜鹃 杜鹃花,azalea sentence 杜鹃造句 杜鹃花造句

They are often used as a backdrop for rhododendrons, azaleas, or other spring-flowering shrubs.
通常作为杜鹃花和其他春季开花灌木的点缀和背景 。
In their ecology, leaf morphology and insertion, rusts, embryology, stamen anatomy, etc. , they largely agree with that family.
在它们的生态学,叶的形态,着生和锈,胚胎学,雄蕊解剖学等方面,它们基本上同杜鹃花科相似 。
Scenic spots within the leaves, a wide range of azaleas , gurgling streams, the original forest, waterfalls linked to fly, glaciers strange.
景区内红叶、杜鹃花种类繁多,溪水潺潺,森林原始,瀑布飞挂,冰川奇特 。
Ornamental plants are the plum blossom, TPG, Carnation, azaleas, chrysanthemums hills, holly flowers, Venus plum, silver-Star.
观赏植物有梅花、赤芍、石竹、杜鹃花、野山菊、冬青花、金星梅、银星梅 。
In Britain the disease, officially known as phytophthora ramorum, spared oaks and jumped to rhododendrons and Japanese larch trees.
在英国,官方称这种病为“栎猝死病”,它放过了栎树,却传播到北美杜鹃花和日本落叶松上 。
The scent of the azaleas awakened my memory of his unexpected appearance that afternoon years ago.
杜鹃花的味道唤醒了我对许多年前那个下午他突然出现的记忆 。
Azaleas that look much like a group of butterflies fluttering in the air and dancing.
远远看去那杜鹃花像一群彩蝶在空中翩翩飞舞 。
Pines in the shape of flying dragons and double dragons as well as the Yellow Mountain Azalea are found on the peak .
莲花峰上既有许多或似飞或似双的松树,也有著名的黄山杜鹃花 。
Late spring season, Caohai around the large open area Qianzibaitai, the magnificent parade of azaleas .
暮春时节,草海周围开放着大面积千姿百态、绚丽动人的杜鹃花 。
Ingredient: Tanshinone, Ginkgo, Honeysuckle, Azaleas, Aloe Extracts, Amino Acids Cleanser Factor, etc.
银杏、丹参酮、金银花、杜鹃花、芦荟、氨基酸洁肤因子等 。
The azaleas made a mass of colour in the garden.
杜鹃花给花园里添上一大片色彩 。
I lingered on my way till the cherry tree lost its blossom , but thy azalea brings to me , my love , thy forgiveness .
我徘徊在路上,直到你的樱花凋谢了,我的爱人,杜鹃花却把你的宽容带到我的面前 。
Rhododendron is the common name for a flowering plant of the heath family, which has more than 850 species.
杜鹃花是石南属开花植物的俗名,其约有850多种种类 。
And, of course, they come to enjoy the beautiful rhododendrons.
当然啦,他们也是为了一暏漂亮的杜鹃花 。
The mild moist climate here, the one to late spring season, Caohai is the Qianzibaitai to be covered with azaleas .
这里的气候湿润温和,故一到暮春时节,草海便整个地被千姿百态的杜鹃花覆盖着 。
The garden is gorgeous with azaleas.
花园里盛开着绚丽的杜鹃花 。
An innocent thunder could offend all the clouds to tear; a long cuckoo cries could irritate all the cuckoo flowers in the city to bloom.
一声雷,可以无端地惹哭满天的云,一阵杜鹃啼,可以斗急了一城杜鹃花 。
A smooth lawn lay before you, dotted with groups of rhododendrons , which grew in more perfection here than anywhere else in the county.
