rose 玫瑰、玫瑰花,rose sentence 玫瑰造句、玫瑰花造句

rose;玫瑰、玫瑰花;a flower with a sweet smell that grows on a bush with thorns (= sharp points) on its stems . rose bush,gold rose,rose garden,yellow rose,pink rose . 玫瑰造句、玫瑰花造句 ;rose sentence .

rose 玫瑰、玫瑰花,rose sentence 玫瑰造句、玫瑰花造句

“That’s more like it, ” Hornberg rose from his chair. “Now Mademoiselle Sikorska, I wish to visit one of the other classes. ”
“这还差不多,”霍恩伯格从椅子上站起来 。“西科尔斯卡小姐,我想去看看另外的班 。”
【rose 玫瑰、玫瑰花,rose sentence 玫瑰造句、玫瑰花造句】Over the next decade he rose to become principal scientist and senior strategist for the company.
在接下来的10年里,他步步迁升,成为了公司的技术负责人和资深战略师 。
One of the most stressful parts of my job as an analyst at Merrill Lynch, and now at Rose Park Advisors, is to meet with investors.
我在美林证券里任分析师及最近在RosePark担任顾问时,工作中最令人紧张的部分当属于与投资者会面了 。
The house whirled around two or three times and rose slowly through the air. Dorothy felt as if she were going up in a balloon.
房子旋转了两三次,慢慢升向空中 。多萝西觉得就像坐在一只气球里上升着 。
Hope and youthful energy rose up in her again, like leaves on a young tree in spring.
新的希望和青春的活力再度在她心中涌起,就像春天小树上的新叶 。
Academics then found trading costs rose for stocks with bans, while share prices were elevated for only a week and a bit.
学术界之后发现,受到禁令保护的股票交易成本上升,而股价的提升只能维持一周,且升幅不大 。
“That’s OK. ” Rose does not realize at all that she has stung Hedgehog because Hedgehog keeps it to himself and does not let Rose know that.
玫瑰一点也不知道,其实自己也刺到了刺猬,只是刺猬疼在了心里没有说出来 。
After the meeting, we be to which le adjwen to the Rose Room of the hotel to a buffet dinner.
开完会后,咱们将休会,到本饭店玫瑰厅的自助餐厅用晚餐 。
White and black smoke rose up in steady columns, magic within the dark air.
敦敦实实的烟窗里冒着白烟黑烟,象黑沉沉天空上在变魔术一样 。
As I thumbed through the pages, I found a red rose, perfectly pressed between the passages.
翻着书页,我找到了一朵红玫瑰,它就在两节之间夹着 。
15, the men adjourn to smoke cigars and discuss business, but Jack declines. On his way out of the dining room, he slips Rose a note.
绅士们退到另一间房间吸烟,或者讨论经济大事 。杰克没有参加 。离开餐厅时,他塞给露丝一张纸条 。
But he was a gallant warrior, and when he rose to make his final adieu his mouth was grimly set and his shoulders were squared.
可是他是个硬铮铮的战士,当他起身告别时,他的嘴闭得紧紧的,肩膀挺得宽宽的 。
From friend to love, although only a few days time, Rose and Jack have been unable to separate.
从相知到相爱,虽然只是短短几天时间,罗丝和杰克已经无法分开 。
In Tunisia , many places sell the Desert Rose gift shop, Desert Rose seems to have become the characteristics of cultural symbols Tunisia .
在突尼斯,很多地方都有卖沙漠玫瑰的礼品店,沙漠玫瑰俨然成了突尼斯的特色文化符号 。
Rose found that the top branches more than a few small things that look like the leaves were stuck together.
却发现玫瑰枝干的顶部多了几个小东西,看上去像是叶子被粘在了一起 。
Then Wang Ping flashed a switch on a computer screen, and a table and chairs rose from under the floor as if by magic.
