rose 玫瑰、玫瑰花,rose sentence 玫瑰造句、玫瑰花造句( 二 )

王平闪了一下电脑屏幕上的开关,于是一张桌子和几把椅子就像魔术般地从地面升了起来 。
Wal-Mart spokesman Anthony Rose said the company is “cooperating fully” with Chongqing officials’ investigation.
沃尔玛的发言人安东尼.罗斯表示他们正全力配合当局的调查 。
He rose to international fame at the age of 17 as a member of the Beatles and went on to a career as a leading British film producer.
十七岁时,他成为披头士乐队的一名成员,并由此一跃而成为国际明星,之后还成为英国一名主要的电影制片人 。
and when he rose to his feet to stagger on into the day, it was included in the pack on his back.
等到他站起来,摇摇晃晃地开始这一天的路程的时候,这个口袋仍然包在他背后的包袱里 。
Mr Zuma is charismatic and canny, as you would expect of a guerrilla who rose to be head of intelligence for the now-ruling ANC.
祖玛是有魅力且精明的,正如你所预期,他将是一位为了现在执政的非洲国民大会而上升到情报机关核心的游击员 。
One day, Valentine heard a young couple arguing there. he gave them a beautiful rose and prayed that their love would be eternal.
一天,情人节听到一对年轻夫妇争论 。他给了他们美丽的玫瑰,并祈祷他们的爱情会永恒 。

rose 玫瑰、玫瑰花,rose sentence 玫瑰造句、玫瑰花造句

Gross domestic product rose at half the rate of slow-growing France and a third that of the US.
其国内生产总值的增长速度只有本已增长缓慢的法国的一半,美国的三分之一 。
Winning that ticket, Rose, was the best thing that ever happened to me. . . It brought me to you.
赢得那张船票是我一生中最幸运的事,罗丝,它让我遇见了你 。
He’d been crouching down, the better to shine light on to the body, but he rose to his feet again.
他刚才蹲下身,以便在手电光下查验尸体清楚些,但现在又站了起来 。
A great and terrible hatred rose up in him for the butchers who had refused him credit.
他恨透了不肯赊账给他的肉店老板 。
but I merely motioned for him to turn the latch. And Lestat, clutching his bathrobe to his throat, rose from the chair.
此刻,李斯特从椅子上蹬的站起来,双手紧紧的抓着浴袍顶着喉咙 。
Saddened by this thought, he neglected to water the rose, and just before it was ready to bloom, it died.
这么一想,他伤心起来,就忘了给玫瑰浇水 。于是,玫瑰就在即将开花之时死了 。
The nice rose speaks volumes of how much he misses you.
这么好的花,足以说明他很思念你 。
As the water rose day after day, I continued trying to recover some remnant of my mother’s broken china.
河水日复一日地涨个不停,我继续尝试着去找回妈妈的哪怕是一些已经破损的瓷器的残片 。
As he rambled on, about himself, his past life, the wind rose up against the cottage like the prodding of a giant hand.
他继续漫谈着自己和过去的生活,外面风刮起来了,象一只巨掌在摇撼着那单幢住所 。
The difference, or carry, would be the main source of return; if the bonds rose in price as well, so much the better.
其中的差额或携带将是回报的主要来源,如果债券的价格上扬那就更好了,多多益善 。
The little fretted stone rose-window above the door was in particular a master-piece of grace and lightness-a star of lace.
小教堂门楣上那镂空的蔷薇花瓣小圆窗,纤秀而优雅,尤为是一件杰作,好似一颗用花边做成的星星 。
When my wife and I were first married, I told her I would get her a rose for every year we were married on our anniversary.
我和妻子刚刚结婚时,我告诉她每年结婚周年日那天我都会送她一枝玫瑰 。
