rose 玫瑰、玫瑰花,rose sentence 玫瑰造句、玫瑰花造句( 三 )

I have a word . I want to tell you, it’s been a year. I want to tell you today: You was more beautiful than rose .
Strange to say , Rose married Tom whom she had thought to be the last boy to marry .
说来也怪,罗丝竟嫁给了她以前最不想嫁的汤姆 。
A: Of course. Love is not just between man and woman. This kind of love is one of the most Beautiful kinds just like the rose.
爱不仅仅存在与男女之间,然而爱情却如盛开的玫瑰花般是最美的 。
The Christmas lights rose higher and higher, till they looked to her like the stars in the sky.
然而圣诞树上的烛光越升越高,直到在她的眼中成了天上的星星 。
Wang Ping’s mother appeared, flashed a switch on a computer screen, and a table and chairs rose from under the floor as if by magic.
王平的母亲出现了,电脑屏幕上的开关闪了一下,于是一张桌子和几把椅子就像魔术般地从地面升了起来 。
She sat down on the sofa next to me, tore the petals from the rose, cast them up in the air above us and called out “Three! ”
Joanna bent to look down, and as she did so a head rose from the water and spoke to her.
乔安娜弯腰往下瞧,这时一个脑袋冒出水面,并且对她讲话 。
Who could have thought that such a pretty rose could grow in a porter’s lodge, or bloom in that dismal old flower-pot of a Shepherd’s Inn?
He treated her with exceeding deference, rose reverently to open and shut doors for her.
他对她极尽百依百顺之能事;诚惶诚恐地站起来为她开门,关门 。
Black Rose galloped away and, after a while, the enemy shouts were completely out of their earshot.
黑玫瑰奔了一阵,敌人喧叫声已丝毫不闻 。
The courtly old gentleman rose from his seat, took his hat off his head, and bowed low to a lady.
那位温文尔雅的老先生从座位上站起来,脱下帽子,对着一位夫人深深地鞠躬 。
As he hiked , the sun slowly rose to it’s apex in the sky, turning the sky a rich, golden blue and signifying that it was now noon.
在他爬山的时候,太阳缓慢的爬上了天空的最高点,把整个蓝色的天空渲染成了明亮的金色,提醒他已经是中午了 。
Wal-Mart’s Mr. Rose said the company has been communicating with its suppliers in the region.
沃尔玛发言人罗斯说,该公司一直在与该地区的供应商沟通 。
As the rocket rose slowly into the air we began to feel the pull of the earth.
当火箭缓慢上升到空气中,我们开始感受地球引力 。
And immediately there fell from his eyes something like scales, and he received his sight and rose up and was baptized.
The next day the sun rose white-hot above the ridgeline, turning the Middle Fork into an undulating strand of emeralds.
第二天,当白热的太阳从山脊上升起时,中叉河变成了一缕波状的绿宝石 。
Brayton rose to his feet and prepared to back softly away from the snake.
布雷顿提起脚,准备轻轻地退离那条蛇 。

rose 玫瑰、玫瑰花,rose sentence 玫瑰造句、玫瑰花造句

Rose was the soul of a woman possessed, and spent lingering scenes. Fraction of attachment, a bit tipsy .
被玫瑰之魂附体的女子,与花缠绵的情景 。几分依恋,几分醉意 。
He thought the little prince rose is unique, careful care of her, as she watered her hood cover.
