脑子“不完整”会让人变傻吗?( 三 )

[1] Lewin, R. Is your brain reallynecessary? Science 1980; 210(4475): 1232-1234.
[2] Feuillet, L,Dufour, H, Pelletier, J. Brain of a white-collar worker. The Lancet 2007;370(9583): 262.
[3] Distelmaier,F, Richter-Werkle, R, Schaper, J et al.“How much brain is really necessary?” a case of complex cerebral malformationand its clinical course. Journal of Child Neurology 2007; 22(6): 756-760.
[4] Desmurget,M, Bonnetblanc, F, Duffau, H. Contrasting acute and slow-growing lesions: A newdoor to brain plasticity. Brain 2007; 130(4): 898-914.
【脑子“不完整”会让人变傻吗?】[5] Duffau, H,Capelle, L, Denvil, D et al.Usefulness of intraoperative electrical subcortical mapping during surgery forlow-grade gliomas located within eloquent brain regions: Functional results ina consecutive series of 103 patients. Journal of Neurosurgery 2003; 98(4):764-778.

以上内容就是脑子“不完整”会让人变傻吗?的内容啦 , 希望对你有所帮助哦!
