gre阅读高频词汇 GRE重点词汇解析整合5篇( 二 )

1. 某人的演讲稿第二版是如此的__以至于dramatically different from ___的第一稿 。(pacific.....truculent)
2. The discipline of playing football transformed the truculent boy into a mild young man; he reserved his aggression for the field.
相近词汇:brutal, cruel, fierce, savage; belligerent, hostile
Truculent fighting broke out in the war-torn country
The truculent beast approached the crowd with wild eyes and sharpened claws.
impenetrable: 难以渗透的; incapable of being penetrated or pierced
pierce : impenetrable = change : immutable 穿透:难以渗透的=改变:不可改变的
pierce : impenetrable = profane : inviolable
pierce : impenetrable = understand : recondite
【考法1】adj. 不可渗透的,不可穿透的: impossible to get through or into
【例】 The ancient temple was surrounded by vast stretches of impenetrable jungle. 包围着古老的神庙的是密不透风的灌木丛
【近】 impassable, impermeable, impervious, impregnable
【反】 passable, penetrable, permeable, pervious 可通过的
【考法2】adj. 难以理解的: incapable of being comprehended
【例】The textbook's language is completely impenetrable, at least to me. 至少在我看来,这个教材就是天书
【近】 arcane, cryptic, enigmatic, incomprehensible, inscrutable, unfathomable, ungraspable, unintelligible
【反】 fathomable, intelligible, understandable 可以理解的
