gre阅读高频词汇 GRE重点词汇解析整合5篇

怎样才能更好的备考GRE词汇,小编整理了GRE重点词汇解析,我们一起来看看吧,下面小编就和大家分享,来欣赏一下吧 。
anachronism: a person or thing that is out of place in time
1) something out of place i.t.o. its historical or chronological context
2) something out of place in time (e.g., an airplane in 1492)
3) something located at a time when it could not have existed or occurred
Synonym: misplacement
Her floor-length skirts and elaborately done up hair were anachronisms that she nevertheless pulled off with grace.
The editor recognized an anachronism in the manuscript where the character from the 1500s boarded an airplane.
He realized that the film about cavemen contained an anachronism when he saw a jet cut across the horizon during a hunting scene.
ambivalent: 有矛盾看法的; simultaneous and contradictory attitudes or feelings; undecided
1) characterized by opposite feelings or emotions
2) characterized by a mixture of opposite feelings or attitudes
ambivalent <> coherent, free of fluctuation; commited; definite, settled, unequivocal; commitment, harmonious
The ambivalent jury could not reach a unanimous verdict.
(尤指感情、态度)矛盾的: having a mixture of opposing feelings
【例】 He maintained an ambivalent attitude to religion throughout his life. 他一生都对宗教抱有矛盾的心态 。
【近】 conflicting, contradictory, mixed
【反】 certain, decided, definite, positive, resolute, sure, unquestioning 明确的,毫无疑问的
【派】ambivalence n. 矛盾心理
inimical: 不友善的; Injurious or harmful in effect; hostile;adverse;unfriendly
1) hostile, like an enemy; unfriendly
Synonyms: adverse, opposed, unfriendly, unwelcoming
inimical <> friendly
inimical <> amiable, amicable, amenable
disparage : inimical
Poor hygiene is inimical to good health.
The chess player directed an inimical stare at his opponent to knock him off his game.
truculent: 野蛮的, 残酷的, feeling or displaying ferocity : CRUEL
1) feeling or showing ferocity; deadly, harsh, or aggressive
【gre阅读高频词汇 GRE重点词汇解析整合5篇】2) fierce, savage, cruel
3) fierce and cruel; eager to fight
truculent <> placid 凶残的<>温和的
truculent <> submissive, tamed, pacific
truculent <> nice, peaceful, civilized, agreeable, obedient, pliant, cooperative, genial,
truculent <> gentle, genial, meek, peaceful,cooperative, amiable, easygoing civil, gentle, cooperative, agreeable, amiable, peaceable
truculent : gentleness = unregenerate : remorse
truculent = pugnacious
choleric: 易怒的,暴躁的
