一些rice怎么说 rice的用法总结大全( 二 )

【一些rice怎么说 rice的用法总结大全】11. Japan will have to do a deal with America on rice imports.
日本将不得不与美国就大米的进口达成一笔交易 。
12. Workers were singing as they tilled the rice paddy fields.
劳动者们一边耕犁稻田一边唱歌 。
13. Wash the rice in cold water until the water runs clear.
用凉水冲洗大米,直到水变清为止 。
14. Serve hot, with pasta or rice and French beans.
趁热和意大利面或米饭以及四季豆一起端上桌 。
15. Heat the curry thoroughly and serve it on a bed of rice.
把咖喱热透后浇在米饭上 。

