【好听的英文句子简短 唯美文艺英文句子】1、Deliberately avoid, is really care.刻意避开,才是真正的在意 。
2、Live your life and come here on the road.过好自己的生活,该来的,都在路上 。
3、Nothing is the reason to work hard.一无所有就是拼的理由 。
4、In this world, most of the winners are lovers.这世上,赢的,多半还是薄情人 。
5、May the world turn into a sea, and may you and I return to the first sight.愿世界化为沧海,愿你我归于初见 。
6、Someone loves you, but no one loves you the way you want them to.有人爱你,但是没人用你希望的方式爱你 。
7、I am the lonelyby nature.But read Hellodee.我本孤独成性,却念你好深 。
8、Your name was so common that I was shocked to hear it.你的名字那么普通也就我听到会心头一怔 。
9、You didn't come back on time, and that's what parting is all about.你没有如期归来,而这正是离别的意义 。
10、Time to teach you see every face.时间教你看清每一张脸 。
11、Everything is out of reach except missing.你的一切遥不可及,唯有思念寸步不离 。
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