The second season of “Disappearing Famous Dishes”is hereThe “Cantonese Banquet of China Disappearing Famous Dishes” restored a table of Guangdong dishes from 100 years ago! This time it focused on the lost or little-known cooking techniques and techniques of Cantonese cuisine in the Republic of China and recreated classic Cantonese cuisine in an attitude of excellence and respect for tradition. Fish skin peanuts ancient crispy glutinous rice chicken...Would you like to try some of these old favorites?
“粤宴中国·消失的名菜”又上新了 , 还原了一桌百年前的广府宴席 。 这次 , 民国粤菜已失传或鲜为人知的烹饪工艺和技法又重现人间 , 美食家们以精益求精和尊重传统的态度复刻出陈皮丝、鱼皮花生、古法脆皮糯米鸡……这些昔日名菜 , 想尝尝吗?
再现广府筵席荣光 , “消失的名菜”推第二季餐单
- 烤鸭|制作烤鸭,如何选料才能做到更脆皮?
- 疫情|新闻8点见丨德善厨房:让大家吃上热乎饭菜,感觉到西安的温暖
- 徽城镇|40元/斤!这种时令菜超火爆!采挖大户一天收入超3000元→
- 豆芽|孩子不爱吃蔬菜,推荐8种好吃的冬菜做法,营养丰富,上桌就抢光
- 蒸菜|元旦家宴,学会这6道蒸菜,简单快手,营养不上火,全家老小都夸你
- 竹荪|丝瓜青翠的绿,配上莲子, 竹荪淡淡的白,颇有美感,怎么看都不厌
- 夜市|想吃地道又丰盛的新疆美食?到和田夜市逛一逛!
- 紫薯|这道紫薯豆沙馅馒头,一上桌就被哄抢一空
- 千层芝士肉饼|餐桌上最有人气的家常菜之酥皮千层芝士肉饼
- 小面包|法式小面包