骆驼|尼罗河来信|金字塔下再“报菜名”:古埃及饮食文化续( 三 )

Gardiner, A. H., 1946. The Instruction Addressed to Kagemni and His Brethren, Journal of Egyptian Archaeology 32, 71–74;
Gardiner, A. H., 1931. The Library of A. Chester Beatty: The Chester Beatty Papyri I, London;
Ikram, S., 2001.The Oxford Encyclopedia of Ancient Egypt, vol.1, Oxford: Oxford University Press,390-5;
Murray, M.,2000. Fruits, vegetables, pulses and condiments, in Ancient Egyptian Materials and Technology edited by Paul T. Nicholson and Ian Shaw, Cambridge, 609-655;
Samuel, D. 1996. Archaeology of Ancient Egyptian Beer. Journal of the American Society of Brewing Chemists 54.1, 3-12.
Simpson, W. K., 2003. The Literature of Ancient Egypt: An Anthology of Stories, Instructions, Stelae, Autobiographies, and Poetry, Third Edition New Haven: Yale University;
【骆驼|尼罗河来信|金字塔下再“报菜名”:古埃及饮食文化续】Wilson, H., 1988. Egyptian Food and Drink. Aylesbury: Shire.
