The Sweet Sapphire Grapes, also called “Moon Drops”, are known as the “Noble” among grapes. Its whole body is blue-black with a long and cylindrical shape. Actually, it is not common in China.
甜蜜蓝宝石葡萄 , 别名“月光之泪” , 被誉为葡萄中的“贵族” , 果色蓝黑 , 果粒呈长圆柱形 , 中国各地种植并不多 。
【in|「中英双语」甜蜜蓝宝石葡萄在东莞引种成功】However, in Dongguan city, Guangdong province, the introduction of varied special fruits has been a distinctive phenomenon in the development of urban agriculture.
但在广东东莞 , 引种各种特色水果成为都市农业发展的独特现象 。
The air is filled with the sweet scent of both ripe grapes and roses, which will tickle your taste buds.
浓浓的甜味混合着淡淡的玫瑰香味 , 甜蜜蓝宝石葡萄让人回味无穷 。
来源 | 羊城晚报·羊城派
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