为什么你明明有需求,却不会好好说?怎样向伴侣提要求?( 三 )

而告竣这种状况, 恰好要成立在一次次对需求的准确交流之上, 借由这些需求, 我们得以领会对方、磨合豪情、明白关系进步的偏向, 实现与彼此坦诚、伸展的共舞 。
但愿每个在看这篇文章的人, 都能好好聊需求, 甜甜谈爱情 。
Gilovich, T., Savitsky, K., & Medvec, V. H. (1998). The illusion of transparency: biased assessments of others' ability to read one's emotional states.Journal of personality and social psychology, 75(2), 332.
Long, J., Long, N. J., & Whitson, S. (2009).The angry smile: The psychology of passive-aggressive behavior in families, schools, and workplaces.Pro-Ed.
McKay, M., Fanning, P., & Paleg, K. (2006).Couple skills: Making your relationship work.New Harbinger Publications.
Sullivan, H. S. (Ed.). (2013).The interpersonal theory of psychiatry.Routledge.
Tug, A. (2007).Why is asking for help so difficult?New York Times.

以上内容就是为什么你明明有需求, 却不会好好说?怎样向伴侣提要求?的内容啦, 希望对你有所帮助哦!
