美国大学为何严禁师生恋?( 五 )

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【美国大学为何严禁师生恋?】以上 , It’s never too late to voice out.



Browne, A., & Finkelhor, D. (1986). Impactof child sexual abuse: a review of the research.Psychologicalbulletin,99(1), 66.
Blay, Z. (2017). Sexual harassment isn’t aboutsex, it’s about power. The Huffington Post.
Henriques, G. (2017). Why sexual aggression isabout both sex and power. Psychology Today.
Herman, J. (1997) .Trauma and recovery:the aftermath of violence - from domestic abuse to political terror. New York:Basic Books.
Porter, F. S., Blick, L. C., & Sgroi, S. M.(1982). Treatment of the sexually abused child.Handbook of clinicalintervention in child sexual abuse, 109-145.
Yonack, L., (2017). Sexual assault is aboutpower. Psychology Today.Ko, A. (2017). 性別觀察:權勢性侵 , 別用“我愛您”強暴我. Womany
郭晉吾(2017). 為什麼職場碰到性侵 , 總是受害者離開?性侵的重點不是性 , 是權力!
勵馨社會福利事業基金會(2017). 揭開權勢性交的内幕. The Garden of Hope Foundation.

以上内容就是美国大学为何严禁师生恋?的内容啦 , 希望对你有所帮助哦!
