consider后面动词用法 动词consider的用法解析和练习!

动词consider的用法解析和练习,我们一起来学习吧,下面小编就和大家分享,来欣赏一下吧 。
v. 考虑,认为
Defination 定义 :to think about something carefully, especially before making a choice or decision
1 consider doing sth. 考虑做某事
I consider dating with him.
我考虑和他约会 。
I consider going on a holiday with them.
我考虑和他们去度假 。
2 consider sth. 仔细考虑某事
You should consider this problem carefully.
你应该认真考虑这个问题 。
You'd better consider her suggestion.
你最好考虑下她的建议 。
consider what to do/ how to do
I've neve considered how to deal with it.
我从没考虑过怎么处理这个问题 。
3 consider 当“认为”意思时,常见句型:
1. consider sb./sth. (as)+形容词/名词, as可省略
We consider him very clever.
我们认为他很聪明 。
2. consider sb./sth. to do. (+不定式)
We consider her to work very hard.
我们认为她工作非常努力 。
They all consider this matter to be very urgent.
他们都认为这件事非常紧急 。
3. consider it+adj./n./to do.
They consider it hard to learn a language.
他们认为学一门语言很难 。
4. consider+从句
We all consider that you deserve it.
我们都认为这是你应得的 。
没有 consider to do 这个用法
be considered to 被认为 。。。
China is considered to be a powerful country.
中国被认为是强大的国家 。
1.consider+n./pron. 例如:
Have you considered the suggestion?
That's what we have to consider now.
We considered going to see the doctor the next day.
Have you considered moving to shanghai recently?
You must consider to tell him something about it.(错误)
3. consider+疑问词+不定式,如:
He is considering how to improve his English.
We must consider what to do next.4. consider+从句,例如:We didn't consider whether he should go or not.
Have you considered when we should go there?
1. consider+sb./sth.+(to be/as)+n./adj.,例如:
I consider him to (be/as) my best friend.
Everyone considers him (to be) clever.
He considered it much improved.
2. consider sb/sth.+不定式短语(作宾语补足语),不能接不
We consider them to be working very hard.
We consider them to have finished the work.
