
Lei Cha, one of the ways to host guests in a grand and cheap way in the old days, has a special taste that cannot be erased from the memory of Hakka people.
擂茶 , 旧时隆重而又经济地接待客人的方式之一 , 是客家人记忆深处无法抹去的特殊味道 。
It ismadeby putting various ingredients such as peanuts, sesame seeds and small-leaf mint in an earthen bowl and constantly pounding them with a wooden stickmadefrom a specific tree (E.g. the oil tea tree).


制作方法就是在一个土钵中 , 放入各种花生、芝麻和小叶薄荷等原料 , 用特定树木(如油茶树)做成的擂槌 , 不断地擂动、搅拌、捣碎 。
Under the continuous pounding, the ingredients are turned into a fine powder, and then poured into the boiling water, a bowl of Lei Cha ismade.
【in|「中英双语」一钵擂茶品乡愁】慢慢擂动之下 , 这些原料都变成了细碎的末 。 开水一冲 , 便是绿色的有着浓郁香气的茶汤 。
The aroma of sesame seeds and plants are mixed together to form a unique flavor.
芝麻香和植物的芳香掺杂着 , 构成一种独特的风味 。
来源 | 羊城晚报·羊城派
责编 | 吴瑕
