The city of Chaozhou in China&aposs Guangdong province has long been a paradise for epicures.
潮州是著名的美食家的天堂 。
Chaozhou cuisine is very diverse with more than 500 dishes, 300 kinds of local snacks and 100 types of seasonings and sauces.
【in|「中英双语」潮州美食宣传片惊艳亮相法国巴黎街头】潮州美食品种繁多 , 有500多道潮州菜、300多种潮州小吃、近100种酱碟调料 。
The most classic Chaozhou food is seafood, which is natural, healthy, exquisite, and popular with epicures at home and abroad.
而潮州菜更是以烹饪海鲜见长 , 具有天然、健康、精致的特点 , 受到海外内“吃货”的欢迎 。
Recently Chaozhou food was taken abroad and its unique flavor was shared with foreign friends from France. Let&aposs enjoy the charm of the tasty Chaozhou food.
近日 , 潮州菜又一次走出国门 , 与法国的朋友们一起共享“潮州风味” 。 一起来感受美食的魅力吧!
来源 | 羊城晚报·羊城派
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