随着冷空气南下 , 南方的朋友们也进入了过冬模式 , 其中一个重要表现形式 , 就是在家都裹上了艳丽夺目、花团锦簇的棉睡衣 。
有网友在微博上发了一张大妈睡衣展示图 , “我们南方人冬天在家穿这种” , 立刻引发大批南方人共鸣……
Most people in South China are wrapping themselves up in warm pajamas at home as winter comes and they are bracing for a drastic temperature drop. A picture exhibiting pajamas favored by southerners modeled by a granny has been circulating on social media and amused many netizens, as most young people are also wearing the old-fashioned nightwear, which typically features bold colors and floral or cartoon patterns.
南方网友们纷纷表示非常真实 , “甚至怀疑是自己的冬季私藏”……
还有网友表示 , 没错 , 过年出门都这么穿……
“That’s what we southerners wear at home during winter,” read the post accompanying the picture. Most netizens agreed that’s their exact daily outfit when they spend Spring Festivals at home, with some saying they even pay New Year visits to relatives in pajamas.
如果你冬天到过南方的城镇或农村 , 多半能见到大街上穿着鲜艳厚实的棉睡衣的男女老少在买菜、逛街、吃早点、骑摩托的景象 。
It is a common sight in winter in towns and cities around South China to see people wandering on streets in comfortable pajamas, whether they are going to grocery stores, running an errand, or riding a motorbike.
至于为什么在南方“打败羽绒服的竟是棉睡衣” , 人们总结了一下原因 。
一是暖和方便 。 南方没有集中供暖 , 房间里潮湿阴冷 , 比屋外还要难熬 。 居家时 , 这种毛茸茸的睡衣穿在身上 , 里面再穿件秋衣(部分南方地区叫棉毛衣)和毛衣 , 不用裹四五件衣服也能暖烘烘的 。 很多人穿上就不想脱下 , 出门办点事情也就懒得换了 。
As for the reasons why pajamas have become a popular fashion practice in South China, some argue that it is because unlike those in the north, most southern homes do not have central heating, and thick cotton pajamas are effective and warm clothing to fend people off the cold indoors.
二是性价比高 。 比起动辄上千的羽绒衣 , 这种睡衣结实、耐脏、便宜 , 而且容易洗 。 虽然样式是乡土气息浓重了一点 , 但对于大多数乡镇居民来说 , 出去散个步、买个菜、接个娃 , 也不用穿得多么正式 , 这种居家服就流行起来 。
Another reason might be that compared with a down jacket, pajamas are cheap and sturdy and good for laundry. Despite the garish design, people find it a convenient choice whenever they need to go out for chores but not venture too far away from home.推荐阅读
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