托福口语和阅读可以分开考吗 托福口语和阅读互相进步很重要

托福口语想要提高并不仅仅只能通过托福口语练习本身的题目,很多时候各方面都可以帮助大家的托福口语分数有所突破,下面小编就和大家分享托福口语和阅读互相进步很重要,希望能够帮助到大家,来欣赏一下吧 。
托福口语放在最后一部分,并不是不重要,而是各个方面都可以配合口语进行练习 。比如在做阅读的时候,做完之后可以按照口语复述的要求自己复述出来,写作之前可以简单口语说一下自己的idea 。这样,虽然我们的练习材料只有一个,但是我们有多种方式来练习,起到事半功倍的作用 。
同时,在自己托福口语练习的空闲时间多看看英语的原版电影,及时补充自己的关于国外生活的知识,这样自己的水平就会不断提升 。
可以看出托福口语练习可以从多方面进行,无论是阅读还是电影都是很有效的手段,托福口语是一个需要长期积累和练习的项目,只有这样才能让托福口语分数有新的突破 。
The next style of furniture design I'd like to discuss is Shaker furniture design.
我想要讨论的家具设计风格是Shaker家具设计 。
The Shakers are a religious group that flourished in the nineteenth-century United States.
Shakers是一个宗教团体,活跃在十九世纪的美国 。
At that time, the Shakers lived in their own communities and believed in living simply.
那时,Shakers生活在他们自己的社区中并且崇尚简单的生活 。
This ideal of simplicity extended to their furniture design, as you will see.
这种朴素的理想扩展到了他们的家具设计,就像你们将要见到的那样 。
Because the shape of their furniture wasn't supposed to be unnecessarily decorative, the furniture's surface became the only place to create visual pleasure.
Shaker furniture used light-colored woods like pine, maple, or cherry.
Shaker家具使用颜色浅的木材如松木,枫木,或者樱桃木 。
It was often painted blue, green, or yellow. As these slides show, some of their most interesting pieces were made for the workplace.
【托福口语和阅读可以分开考吗 托福口语和阅读互相进步很重要】它通常漆成蓝色,绿色,或者黄色 。如同这些幻灯片显示的,它们的一些最有意思的部分是为工作场所制造的 。
Notice that this sewing table has drawers that can be pulled out from either side.
注意这个缝纫机台板的抽屉能从两旁拉出来 。
This feature enables two people to sew at the same time.
这种特色使两个人能够同时缝纫 。
Likewise, if you look closely at these slides of counters and workbenches, you'll notice that these pieces were also designed to be used from more than one side.
