托福口语和阅读可以分开考吗 托福口语和阅读互相进步很重要( 三 )

13. The man had his dirty car washed at last.
这个男子最后还是让人把脏乎乎的汽车洗了 。
14. Catching fish is lots of fun, but I can do without cleaning them.
钓鱼别有一番情趣,不过我可不愿意洗它们 。(do without:希望没有 。)
15. The lecture to be held in the auditorium is open to the public and free of charge.
即将在礼堂举行的讲座对外开放而且免费 。
16. Mr. Butler usually goes to work by subway, but this morning he took the bus.
巴特勒先生通常乘地铁去上班,但今天早晨他坐了公共汽车 。
17. The whole neighborhood likes Mrs. White in spite of her odd habits.
整个街坊都很喜欢怀特夫人,虽然她的习惯很古怪 。
18. The weather has been generally cold all week, but a slight increase in temperature is expected tomorrow.
总的来说,整个星期天气一直很冷,但明天气温可望略微上升 。
19. The more money Don makes, the more his wife spends.
唐挣的钱越多,他妻子花得也越多 。
20. You can’t pick up your film today because it’s not developed yet, and since we’re closed tomorrow, the earliest you can get it is Friday.
你的胶卷今天不能取走,因为还没有冲洗出来 。由于明天我们闭店,你最早可以在星期五来取 。
