gre考试怎么准备考试 gre考试计划如何制定( 四 )

“Burn the candle”表示“熬夜”:
Did you burn the candle last night, look at your bags under your eyes.
你昨晚熬夜了吧,看看你眼睛下的黑眼圈 。
I’ve been burning the candle at both ends. The boss has been on everyone’s case lately and has been piling on a lot of work. 我最近熬夜,早起,劳累过度 。这些天,老板对我们查得很严,还给我们布置了一大堆的工作 。
“Stay up late”表示“很晚才睡觉”,“熬夜”的意思:
I’m a night person; I usually stay up late, reading or writing something.
我是个夜猫子,经常熬夜,我喜欢在晚上看看书,写点什么 。
Don’t stay up late, go to bed before 10 o’clock sharp.
不要熬夜,10点整以前上床睡觉 。

