LAMP是什么意思? lamp的意思用法大全

lamp有灯,发热灯 , 照射灯的意思 。那你们想知道lamp的用法吗?今天小编给大家带来了lamp的用法 ,希望能够帮助到大家 , 一起来学习吧 。
n. 灯,发热灯 , 照射灯
lamp的意思是“灯”,指照明或做其他用途的发光的器具,是可数名词 。
The lamp hung over the table.那盏灯悬挂在桌子上方 。
The lamp was set on my desk for me to study at night.台灯放在我的书桌上,好让我晚上可以学习 。
In our village, electric light has taken the place of oil lamp.在我们村庄,电灯已经取代了油灯 。
1、I used my thumbnail to tighten the screw on my lamp.
我用拇指指甲把台灯上的螺钉拧紧了 。
2、Eddie parked his cycle against a lamp post and padlocked it.
埃迪把他的自行车靠在路灯柱上 , 用挂锁锁好 。
3、In the evenings we eat by the light of an oil lamp.
晚上我们便在一盏油灯下吃饭 。
lamp词组 | 习惯用语
fluorescent lamp 荧光灯;日光灯;荧光灯管
street lamp n. 路灯
table lamp 台灯
wall lamp 壁灯
incandescent lamp 白热灯 , 白炽灯
floor lamp 落地灯 , 立灯
【LAMP是什么意思? lamp的意思用法大全】halide lamp 卤化物灯;金属卤化物灯;检卤漏灯
desk lamp 桌灯 , 台灯
lamp holder n. 灯座
signal lamp 信号灯
metal halide lamp 金属卤化物灯
xenon lamp 氙灯
oil lamp 油灯
ceiling lamp 吊灯;顶灯;天花灯
electric lamp n. 电灯;电灯泡
discharge lamp [电]放电灯
sodium lamp 钠灯
neon lamp [电]霓虹灯
mercury lamp 汞灯;水银灯
lamp post 灯柱 , 灯杆
1.The lamp stands on a circular base.这盏台灯是装在圆形底座上的 。
2.An oil lamp burned in the darkness.一盏油灯在黑暗中发着光 。
3.Signals are made with flags or lamps.用旗或灯传递信号 。
4.The lamp gave out a harsh light.灯发出刺眼的光 。
5.There are electric lamps in the streets.街上有电灯 。
6.The rain caused the lamp to splutter.雨水打得油灯噼啪响 。
7.There is a lamp over the table.桌子正上方有一盏灯 。
8.She turned her hot lamps on me.她将她火辣辣的眼睛转向我 。
9.A lamp was suspended from the ceiling.天花板上吊着一盏灯 。
10.The lamp was suspended from the ceiling.灯吊在天花板上 。
11.The lamp on the table tipped over.桌上的灯翻倒了 。
12.They saw the gleam of a lamp ahead.他们看到前面的灯光 。
13.The hostess set a lamp on the table.女主人把一盏灯放在桌子上 。
