英语yet的用法 yet的详细用法总结( 四 )

"Have yet to" 到底是有还是没有!
We have yet to receive any responses from the ...
So if someone asks you, "What does it mean? Have they got it no not?"
Answer: No, they haven't!"
This is formal English. It is used in formal situations and is much less common in casual spoken English.
The phrase ''have yet to'' can be confusing! The present perfect tense in English can be difficult at the best of times, and this phrase is another challenge for English learners.
英文的yet 用法有很多 , 大部分情况中文意思均为【迄今为止 , 直到】 , 以下整理归纳了一些yet的英文用法 , 例句和中文意思 。
1. yet 尚、迄今、直到现在
yet当作「尚、迄今」的意思的时候 , 通常会用在否定句 , 而时态很常出现在现在完成式里 。
例:I haven't spoken to her yet.
我迄今还没和她谈过 。
例:He hasn't finished yet.
他直到现在还没完成 。
2. as yet 直到现在
英文yet也很常会跟as一起出现 , 中文意思则是「直到现在」 。
例:I have received no compensation as yet.
3. yet 仍然、还
yet 也可以用在肯定句 , 用来表达「还、即使现在」的意思 。
例:He may win yet.
即使现在他仍有可能胜出 。
例:There is hope for her yet.
她仍然有希望 。
4. yet 然而
yet 的常见英文用法 , 通常是当作副词用 , 不过yet 还可以当连接词用 , 而当连接词用的时候 , 很常跟and一起出现 。
例:He's bald, and yet somehow, he's attractive.
他秃头 , 然而不知为何却很有魅力 。
例:I don't know him, yet I can get his help.
我不认识他 , 然而我会得到他的帮助 。
【英语yet的用法 yet的详细用法总结】yet的详细用法总结
