英语yet的用法 yet的详细用法总结( 二 )

8、yet与比较级和once , again等连用 , 相当于still或even , 译为"更"和"再" 。yet与最高级连用 , 译为"到目前(或当时)为止(最......)" 。例句:
1)You must work yet harder.你工作还要更努力 。
2)Say it yet once more , please.请再说一次 。
3)This is the biggest lake yet discovered.这是目前为止已发现的最大的湖泊 。
9、yet可以表示将来还有可能发生的事 。例句:
1)He will win yet.他还会赢的 。
2)It may yet succeed.它迟早会成功的 。
10、yet也可以作连词 , 译为"可是"、"然而" 。例句:
1)He worked hard , yet he failed.他工作努力 , 可是失败了 。
2)The room is small , yet very comfortable.房间小 , 但非常舒适 。
yet与not连用 , 译为"仍不 , 也不" 。例句:
She didn't come , not telephone yet.她没来 , 电话也没有 。
11、yet用于现在完成时态中与already, just, never, ever的区别
①yet可用于否定句 , 此时译为“还”;
I haven’t found my ruler yet.
②也可以用于疑问句 , 译为“已经”(放在have和has的后面也可放在句末)
Have you found your ruler yet?你已经找到尺子了吗?
②也可用于疑问句 , 表示期望得到肯定的回答或表示惊异 , 此时already常放在句末 。
She has already found her bike.
Has she found her bike already?她已经找到自行车了?
I have just received a letter.
I’ve never been to Beijing.
Have you ever been to Beijing?
BBC英语:一分钟搞懂Still, Already 和 Yet的用法
Hi! I'm Phil from BBC Learning English. Today, I'm going to tell you the difference between still, already and yet.
大家好!我是BBC英语学习频道的菲尔 。今天我们来学习still, already 和 yet三个词的区别 。
They all talk about things around the present, but they don't mean the same.
这三个词都可以表示一般现在时 , 但意思却不尽相同 。
We use still to talk about something that hasn't finished. Are you still studying? Let's go out!
still用于表示尚未完成的某事 。你还在学习?我们出去玩玩吧!
We use already to talk about something that has finished, and maybe we didn't think it would have by now. She's already finished work. She's gone home.
