wish的知识点 wish的用法知多少( 三 )

BBC英语:一分钟区别Wish 和 Hope的用法
Hi, guys! Dan for BBC Learning English here. Today, we're going to talk about the verbs wish and hope.
大家好!这里是BBC英语学习频道,我是丹 。今天我们来学一学wish和hope这两个动词 。
Now, the verb wish can be used in many ways - and you can get much more detailed information on our website.
wish的用法有很多——大家可以在我们的网站上了解到更多详细信息 。
However, we generally use wish to talk about a present or past situation that we want to change, but understand that it can't.
然而,我们通常用wish来表示想要改变却又知道无法改变的当下或过去发生的事情 。
Present wishes are wish + a past simple verb.
表示当下的愿望时可以用wish+动词的一般过去式 。
For example:
I wish I were taller.
真希望我的身高能再高一点 。
Past wishes are wish + past perfect.
表示对过去的愿望用wish+动词的过去完成式 。
I wish I had grown taller.
真希望我以前能长高一点 。
Hope can also be used in different ways. But generally, when we hope, we talk about something that we want or expect for the future.
hope的用法也很多,但我们通常将它用于表示对未来的一种期望 。
Hope can be followed by a full infinitive.
hope后面可以加带to不定式 。
For example:
I hope to see you soon.
希望很快能见到你 。
But more commonly we follow it with a present tense that has a future meaning, or with will.
但更多的用法是在hope后面跟随动词的一般现在时或者will,表示将来的状态 。
I hope you pass your driving test.
希望你能考过驾考 。
I hope you'll have a good time.
希望你玩得开心 。
