wish的知识点 wish的用法知多少( 二 )

4. He wished that he had practised the routines. 他希望他已经处理完日常工作了 。
(2)if only同wish一样表示愿望,主要为难以实现的愿望 。
1. The snow was soft and deep outside. If only he could get out to try his new sled. 外头的雪下得柔软又深厚,如果他能出去试试他的新雪橇该多好啊 。
2. If only they would tell me what they've decided. 但愿他们能把决定告诉我 。
3. If only it were possible for me to see her once more! 但愿我还能再看见她一次 。
4. If only he would lend support to you! 但愿他能给予你支持!
5. If only she would pass the English examination! 但愿她能通过英语考试!
6. If only I could get a ticket to the concert. 但愿我能够买到音乐会的门票 。
(3)as if表示说话人对当时的情况表示怀疑,认为其不真实或极少概率发生 。
1. It looks as if it were in print. 看样子它是根深蒂固的 。
2. She nurtured the child as if he had been her own. 她把那孩子当作自己的来养育 。
3. He comported himself as if he had already been elected. 他表现出好像他已经当选了似的 。
4. As if he could right the wrongs of the past by his own personal dedication to the cause. 好象通过把他个人奉献给这个事业,就能纠正过去所犯的错误 。
5. It seemed to his imagination as if all her sweetness and vitality had flown. 他觉得仿佛她的可爱和活力已全化为乌有了 。
6. It was as if all the circuits inside her had already closed down, were preparing for the darkness of death. 好象她内部的所有电路都关闭了,正准备等待死亡的来临 。
Wish大家一定都不陌生了,而if only和as if从意思上来看也不难理解,这里要注意的是if only一般独立使用,是没有主句搭配的 。
I wish 的正确用法
imaginary or unreal
现在状态 wish
表达对于现在状况的“但愿”,使用一般过去时或过去进行时 。
I don't have my umbrella. I wish I had my umbrella.
我没伞 。但愿我有伞 。
She doesn't know the answer. I wish she knew the answer.
她不知道答案 。但愿她知道答案 。
You're at work, but you wish you were playing football, right?
过去状态 wish
当我们表达对过去状态或行为的“希望”,使用wish+ 过去完成时 。
I'm so tired. I wish I had slept for another hour last night.
我太累了 。我希望我昨晚多睡了一个小时 。
She knows she made a mistake. She wishes she hadn't been so silly.
她知道她犯了一个错误 。她希望自己(之前)没有那么傻 。
You were right. I shouldn't have quit my job. I wish I had listened to you.
你是对的 。我不该辞掉我的工作 。我真希望我(之前)听了你的话 。
