
GRE填空难度逐年提升 ,做好填空也要提高阅读理解能力,下面小编就和大家分享,来欣赏一下吧 。
GRE填空难度逐年提升 做好填空也要提高阅读理解能力
由于改革后的新版gre句子填空题更多的考察单词的用法和精确含义,也加深了对阅读理解能力的考察,新gre句子填空逻辑结构更为复杂,需要推导的层次也更多,希望广大考生认真备考 。下面是有关因果关系解析方法:
凡是包含because, since, for, if, thus, hence, so that, so...that..., so...as to..., therefore, consequently, as a result, accordingly, in that, result in, result from, cause, give rise to, derive from, lead to, be due to 等词汇的题目,必是在陈述某种因果关系(causal relationship) 。在解因果关系时,必须牢记下述事项 。
首先,在原因(cause)和结果(effect)之间,应存在一种内在的必然的逻辑关系 。换言之,当原因或前提条件为充分时,其结果或结论应是必然的和充分的,而不应是或然的或似是而非的,反之亦然 。
其次,按因果律高度统一的原则,可从已知的原因推知结果,或从已知的结果推出原因,在诸多情况下,原因即为结果,结果即为原因,两者为同义互补的关系 。
第三,从感情色彩上看,正面的原因必引发正面的结果,负面的原因必造成负面的结果,两者之间或同为褒义,或同为贬义 。
第四,除了能辩认出包含上述词汇的明显的因果关系外,还应能辩认出某些不直接的和隐含的因果关系 。在英语中,大多数的定语从句,以by引导的被动语态,以及by表示手段或方式,甚至名词前的形容词,都可以归纳到间接的因果关系这一范畴中 。
最后,切记在无连接词的情况下两个句子间凡出现冒号或分号这两种标点符号时,这亦为因果关系(参见前述“标点符号的启示”) 。
善于总结技巧,勤于发现问题才能做到知己知彼百战百胜 。
1. Melodramas, which presented stark oppositions between innocence and criminality, virtue and ______, good and evil, were popular precisely because they offered the audience a world ______.
A bereft theatricallty
B composed adversity
C full circumstantiolity
D deprived polarity
E commercial
2. Today water is more ____ in landscape architecture than ever before, because technological advances have made it easy, in some instances even ____ to install water features in public places.
Blank (i) Blank (ii)
A serenity D bereft of theatricality
B corruption E deprived of polarity
C fertility F devoid of neutrality
答案:E D
3. In most Native American cultures, an article used in prayer or ritual is made with extraordinary attention to and richness of detail: it is decorated more ______ than a similar article intended for ______ use.
