情人节送的礼物被嫌弃了吧,哼哼( 三 )

[1]Yang, A. X., & Urminsky, O. (2015). Smile-Seeking Givers andValue-Seeking Recipients: Why Gift Choices and Recipient Preferences Diverge.Social Science Electronic Publishing.
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[3]Flynn, F. J., & Adams, G. S. (2009). Money can’t buy love:Asymmetric beliefs about gift price and feelings of appreciation. Journal ofExperimental Social Psychology, 45(2), 404-409.
[4]Ashworth, L., White, K., & Dahl, D. (2015). How Reasons CanUndermine the Symbolic Value of Gifts. NA-Advances in Consumer Research Volume43.
[5]Gino, F., & Flynn, F. J. (2011). Give them what they want:The benefits of explicitness in gift exchange. Journal of Experimental SocialPsychology, 47(5), 915-922.
[6]Paolacci, G., Straeter, L., & de Hooge, I. (2014). Give meyour self: gifts are liked more when they match the giver’s characteristics.NA-Advances in Consumer Research Volume 42.
[7]Polman, E., & Maglio, S. J. (2015). Ensouling Gifts WithCloseness. NA-Advances in Consumer Research Volume 43.
[8]林升栋.(2006). 礼品、关系和信赖. 广西平易近族研究(4), 80-87.
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以上内容就是情人节送的礼物被嫌弃了吧 , 哼哼的内容啦 , 希望对你有所帮助哦!
