不用谢用英语怎么说 不用谢的英文( 三 )

It is the only thing I can do for you now. Also, I admire wholeheartedly your kind and considerate heart as well as your great vision.
14、引座员:不用谢 。(转向同伴)耶!我可以去看开幕式了 。
Usher: You're welcome. (turns to partner) Yea! I can go to the ceremony.
Don`t mention it. I`m very proud of you.
16、不用谢,能帮上你的忙我真高兴 。
You're welcome, glad to be of assistance.
I just saved your life. You're welcome!
18、不用谢 。是我的荣幸 。自从你来纽黑文市,你有没有去过这种大型的、坐下来吃饭的聚会?
Ella: Don't mention it. It's my pleasure. Have you been to one of these large, sit-down dinner parties since you got to New Haven?
19、不用谢 。请问你是现在就想坐到位子上还是先去吧台上点些喝的? 。
Waiter: You're welcome. Would you like to come to the table or would you prefer to order in the bar?
20、分享给你,不用谢了 。
Share with you, not thanks.
21、谢谢 。不用谢 。我可以吃些鸡肉吗? 当然 。给你 。
Thank you. You're welcome. Can I have some chicken? Sure. Here you are.
以上这些就是由小编童鞋给大家罗列整理的不用谢用英语表达的各种方式 。不管在什么情况下,别人对我们表达了诚挚的谢意,我们都应该发扬咱们中华人民“礼仪之邦”的优良传统,对别人的谢意致以客气友好的用英语回复一声“不用谢”,得体有礼貌 。
