
【常用的100句中英文文明礼貌用语大全】礼貌用语 , 是指在语言交流中使用具有尊重与友好的词语 。礼貌用语是尊重他人的具体表现 , 是友好关系的敲门砖 。俗话说:“良言一句三冬暖 , 恶语伤人六月寒 。”礼貌用语就属于良言之列 。礼貌用语在公关活动中起着非常重要的作用 。下面就是最常用的100中英文礼貌用语 。


1、 您好!Hello!
2、 请!please!
3、 对不起 。Sorry.
4、 谢谢!Thank you!
5、 再见! Goodbye!
6、 您早!Good morning!
7、 晚安!Good night!
8、 请问您贵姓?May I have your name, please?
9、 请原谅!Forgive me!
10、不用谢!Don’t mention it!
11、没关系!Never mind!
13、请坐!Sit down, please!
14、请喝茶!Tea, please!
15、请多关照!Please take care of it!
16、请多指教!Please give more advice!
17、谢谢您的合作!Thank you for your cooperation.
18、对不起 , 让您久等了 。I’m sorry to have kept you waiting.
19、没关系 , 我刚到 。Never mind. I just arrived.
20、给您添麻烦了 。It’s troublesome for you.
21、我能为您做什么?What can I do for you?
22、您好 , 请问您需要帮助吗?Hello, can I help you?
23、您走好 。Hello.
24、请慢走!Walk slowly, please!
25、欢迎再来!Welcome again!
26、您好 , 我是×××(单位名称)×××(姓名) , 请问您找谁?Hello, this is * * (name of unit)* * (name). May I ask who you are looking for?
27、麻烦您请×××同志接电话 。Please call Comrade XXX.
28、请稍等 , 我帮您看看他在不在 。Just a moment, please. I’ll show you if he’s in.
29、对不起 , 您找的人不在 。有什么事需要转告吗?Sorry, the person you are looking for is not in. Is there anything I need to tell you?
30、对不起 , 您打错了 。Sorry, you have the wrong number.
31、我就是 , 请问您是哪一位?This is me. Who are you, please?
32、请问您有什么事?What can I do for you?
33、这是同线电话 , 请您再打一遍好吗?This is a co-line call. Could you call again, please?
34、对不起 , 我没有听明白 , 请您再讲一遍 。Sorry, I didn’t catch you. Please repeat it.
35、请坐 , 请讲 。Sit down, please.
36、请稍等 , 我马上给您办 。Just a moment, please. I’ll do it for you right away.
37、对不起 , 分管这项工作的同志不在 , 您可以将材料留下 , 我转交给他 。Sorry, the comrade in charge of this work is not here. You can leave the materials and I will hand them over to him.
38、很抱歉 , 您要办的事不符合规定 , 我们不能办理 。I’m sorry, what you want to do is not in conformity with the regulations. We can’t handle it.
39、这件事归×××(科室或姓名)管 , 我带您去 。This matter is under the control of * Department or name. I’ll take you there.
40、您的手续缺××× , 请您补齐再来 , 好吗?Your formalities are insufficient. Would you please fill them up and come again?
41、您所反映的问题我们将尽快落实 , 谢谢您对我们工作的支持 。The problems you have reflected will be implemented as soon as possible. Thank you for your support to our work.
42、不用谢 , 这是我们应该做的 。You’re welcome. That’s what we should do.
