中英文花的描述 The description of Chinese and English flowers 该系统中的输入和查询均采用选项式方法,对茎、叶、花及花序、果等器官的形态结构描述必须使用规范的形态术语 。The input and inquire ways in the system adopt option way, so the system requires the form description of stem, leaf, flower and inflorescence, fruit that should adopt the normative term.
M款:白玫瑰39枝 。灰色方形花桶
牡丹是艳丽的花 。
A peony is a showy flower.
他在战斗中挂了花 。
He got wounded in action.
布染花了 。
The cloth is dyed unevenly.
你的字太花了 。
Your handwriting is too fancy.
这项工程我们花了五年多时间 。
We spent over five years on this project.
我不太喜欢花园里种植的花 。
I don’t care much for garden flowers.
【中英文花的描述 The description of Chinese and English flowers】要练好基本功,别尽学花架子 。
You should spend time on basic training, not on those flourishes.
政府花了大量资金帮助改良这片土地 。
The government spent a lot of money to help make this land better.
我在这艘船上花了很多金钱和时间,但都很值得 。
I am spending a lot of money and time on this boat, but it is worth it
编辑本卷花了好几年时间 。
Years have been spent in compiling this volume.
花已凋谢结子了 。
The flowers have run to seed.
花谢了 。
The flowers have withered away [ up].
我花很多钱购买昂贵的首饰和衣服 。
I spend a lot on expensive jewelry and clothing
It’s astonishing, he’s learned Latin in three hours!
伊莎贝尔房间里的花已经枯萎了 。
The flowers in Isabel’s room had withered
修复城堡花了一年时间和大量的钱 。
The restoration to the castle took a year and cost a lot of money.
女士们花了点时间叙旧,聊了聊彼此的健康和家庭状况 。
The ladies spent some time catching up on each other’s health and families
我们花了很多本来不需要花的钱 。
We spent a hell of a lot of money that we needn’t have spent.
我穿着我的花呢套装 。
I was wearing my tweed suit.
她花了数小时练习蛙泳 。
She spent hours practising the breast stroke.
他给她送去了一束花 。
He sent her a bunch of flowers.
她花了点时间弄湿毛巾,洗了把脸 。
She took the time to dampen a washcloth and do her face.
这些鸟啄掉了所有红色的花 。
These birds peck off all the red flowers.
下议院在这项议案上已经花了3个多月的时间 。
The Commons has spent over three months on the bill.
如果你决定不买,你在调查上花的钱是收不回来的 。
If you decide not to buy, the money you have spent on the survey is not recoverable.
这件东西花了他工资的一大半 。
It cost the better part of his pay.
我花了一天的时间想出了一个营救他的周全方案 。
I spent the day working out a foolproof plan to save him.
他们花在下馆子等额外消费上的钱也少多了 。
They are also spending much less on extras like meals in restaurants.
她在化妆上花去了太多时间 。
She spent too much time making herself up
花了很长时间才把他头发上的污泥洗干净 。
It took a long time to wash the mud out of his hair
- 一个女人骑雅迪电动车送花的酸甜苦辣
- 冬花的种植技术和管理方法
- 盆栽茉莉花的养殖方法和注意事项
- MM们收到鲜花的心情,GG们必须知道
- 活着:是养花的基础,养花就是要好好的活着
- 鲜花花束制作与插花的技巧
- 淘宝目标客户描述怎么写?怎样定位人群?
- 插花的步骤以及注意事项有哪些?
- 格桑花的养殖方法和注意事项
- 描述肖战的样貌以及气质的句子怎么写 关于肖战的长句子