生如夏花,所以生活可以简单,也可以复杂;梦想可以雄心万丈,同样可以谨慎细微;而对于生命本身的态度,可以冷眼观世,就一样可以积极向上 。Life can be simple, as it can be complicated; dreams can be ambitious, as it can be practical; and the spirit towards life can be critical, as it can be positive.
Habitat condition and interfering extent formed the heterogeneity that was the main external cause to form the life cycle forms of the plant of Catharanthus roseus.
据《每日电讯报》报道,英国30岁商人马克·波伊尔放弃了自己的工作和财物,在一辆破旧的大篷车中像原始人般、分文未花地生活了整整一年 。
UK businessman Mark Boyle gave up his job, possessions and money to live the life of the primitive in a rusty old caravan on no money for a year, the Daily Telegraph reported.
我只把养花当作生活中的一种乐趣,花开得大小好坏都不计较,只要开花,我就高兴 。
I simply take flower cultivation as a pleasure in my life. I feel delighted as long as my flowers bloom regardless of the size and preciousness of the blossoms.
我们为了保护海岸线免受外国侵略,在国防上花越多的钱(大炮),我们为提高家庭生活标准花在生活消费品上的钱就越少(黄油) 。
The more we spend on national defense to protect our shores from foreign aggressors ( guns), the less we can spend on consumer goods to raise our standard of living at home ( butter).
通过对植物内源激素的动态变化规律的分析,来探明内源激素在长春花不同生活史型中所起到的调控作用,以及激素平衡对生活史型转变的意义 。
By dynamic changes of endogenous hormones, we discussed the regulatory effect of hormone and the significance of hormonal balance in different plant life cycle forms of C.
THE ECO-PHYSIOLOGICAL RESPONSE OF NATURAL ANEUROLEPIDIUM CHINESE COMMUNITY TO RARE-EARTH ELEMENTS Ecophysiological Characteristics of Endogenesis Ascorbate and Glutathione in Different Life Cycle Forms in Catharanthus Roseus
几乎家家户户都养花养鸟,生活充满情趣 。
Aviculture plant flowers in almost every household, life is full of fun.
只是这么一个短信息却能让他们理解到你对他们永不忘记 。花时间用心生活吧!
It is a short message to let them know that you will never forget them.
要花时间从生活中体会欢乐 。
And it takes time to extract joy from life.
我需要花时间去生活在这个环境里面 。和过去相比,现在我是一个更称职的全球性领导者 。
I needed to take the time to go live in that environment and now I am such a better global leader as a result.
我要把工资花在享受生活上 。
I’ll spend my salary on pampering myself.
“山歌无假戏无真”,呜哇山歌其丰富多彩的内容,是花瑶人生活的一面镜子 。
The rich content displayed in the folk song is a mirror of the life of Huayao people.
【中外对比 Comparison of Chinese and foreign flower life】她说:这意味着更高质量的工作时间,因为你可以把更多的时间花在提高生活质量上 。
‘It’s about having higher-quality work time, because you spend more time nourishing your well-being,’ she says.
- 花的歇后语:花字开头的歇后语
- 中英文花的描述 The description of Chinese and English flowers
- 一个人脱离社会就不能生活下去One cannot live cut off from society.
- 中文英文鲜花句子Chinese and English flower sentences
- 一个女人骑雅迪电动车送花的酸甜苦辣
- 婚礼鲜花布置的一些误区
- 花生活花艺大全:资深花艺师的日常笔记
- 普通的花艺爱好者想从事花艺师工作需要做什么?
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