“我认为 , 在免疫学和宿本家儿与微生物的彼此感化等研究中 , 疾病耐受性一向是一个被完全轻忽的范畴 。 ”2015年 , Ayres的父亲不幸死于脓毒症 , 在Ayres心里 , 这一范畴或许能拯救至亲的人命 。 Ayres说:“我认为我们有了很主要的发现 , 这个发现会带来很大的改变 。 ”
1. K.K. Sanchez et al., “Cooperative metabolic adaptations in the host can favor asymptomatic infection and select for attenuated virulence in an enteric pathogen,” Cell, 175:146–58.E15, 2018.
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3. L. R?berg et al., “Disentangling genetic variation for resistance and tolerance to infectious diseases in animals,” Science, 318:812–14, 2007.
4. J.S. Ayres et al., “Identification of Drosophila mutants altering defense of and urance to Listeria monocytogenes infection,” Genetics, 178:1807–15, 2008.
5. J.S. Ayres et al., “Lethal inflammasome activation by a multi-drug resistant pathobiont upon antibiotic disruption of the microbiota,” Nat Med, 18:799–806, 2012.
6. A.M. Palaferri Schieber et al., “Disease tolerance mediated by microbiome E. coli involves inflammasome and IGF-1 signaling,” Science, 350:558–63, 2015.
7. S. Weis et al., “Metabolic adaptation establishes disease tolerance to sepsis,” Cell, 169:1263–75.E14, 2017.
8. A. Jais et al., “Heme oxygenase-1 drives metaflammation and insulin resistance in mouse and man,” Cell, 158:25–40, 2014.
9. R. Larsen et al., “A central role for free heme in the pathogenesis of severe sepsis,” Sci Trans Med, 2:51ra71, 2010.
10. A. Wang et al., “Opposing effects of fasting metabolism on tissue tolerance in bacterial and viral inflammation,” Cell, 166:1512–25.E12, 2016.
11. A. Wang et al., “Glucose metabolism mediates disease tolerance in cerebral malaria,” Cell, 115:11042–47, 2018.
以上内容就是怎样面对疾病:妥协共生 , 还是顽抗到底?的内容啦 , 希望对你有所帮助哦!
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