英文 关于嫦娥奔月的故事

关于嫦娥奔月的故事(英文)【英文 关于嫦娥奔月的故事】嫦娥奔月(其中一个版本)
changebenyue(one of the versions)
在远古的时候,天上突然出现了十个太阳 。
In ancient times, ten suns suddenly appeared in the sky.
直晒得大地冒烟,老百姓实在无法生活下去了 。
The sun was smoking, and the people could not live on.
有一个力大无比的英雄名叫后羿,他决心为老百姓解除这个苦难 。
There was a powerful hero named Hou Yi who was determined to relieve the suffering of the people.
于是他登上昆仑山顶,运足气力,拉满神弓,一口气射下九个太阳 。
So he went up to the top of Kunlun, filled his bow with strength, and shot down nine suns in one breath.
He said to the last sun in the sky: "From now on, you must rise on time and fall on time for the benefit of the people! "
后羿为老百姓除了害,大伙儿都很敬重他 。很多人拜他为师,跟他学习武艺 。
After Yi for the common people, everyone respected him. Many people worshipped him as a teacher and learned martial arts from him.
有个叫逢蒙的人,为人奸诈贪婪 。
There is a man called a lover, who is treacherous and greedy.
后羿的妻子嫦娥,是个美丽善良的女子 。
After Yi's wife Chang E, is a beautiful and kind woman.
一天,昆仑山上的西王母送给后羿一丸仙药 。
One day, the Western royal mother of Kunlun Mountain gave Houyi a pill of elixir.
据说,人吃了这种药不但能长生不老,还可以升天成仙 。
It is said that people who take this medicine can not only live forever, but also ascend to heaven.
可是,后羿不愿意离开嫦娥,就让她将仙药藏了起来 。
However, Hou Yi did not want to leave Chang 'E and let her hide the elixir.
这件事被逢蒙知道了,他一心想把后羿的仙药弄到手 。
The matter was discovered by Feng Meng. He was bent on getting Houyi's elixir.
八月十五这天裂掘清晨,后羿带弟子出门了,逢蒙假装生病留了下来 。
On the morning of August 15, Hou Yi took his disciples out and pretended to be ill.
到了晚上逢蒙手提宝剑闯进后羿家里,威逼嫦娥把仙药交出来 。
In the evening, Meng Meng's hand-held sword broke into Houyi's house and forced Chang 'E to hand over the elixir.
Chang E thought to himself: let such a person eat the elixir of immortality, is not the key more people?
嫦娥见逢蒙马上就要找到药,立刻疾步向前取出仙药,一口吞了下去 。
Chang 'E saw that Meng was about to find the medicine immediately. He immediately took the elixir forward and swallowed it.

英文 关于嫦娥奔月的故事

嫦娥吃了仙药,突然飘飘悠悠地飞了起来,她飞出了窗子,一直朝着月亮飞去 。
Chang 'E took the elixir and suddenly floated up. She flew out of the window and flew all the way to the moon.
后羿外出回来,不见了妻子嫦娥,他焦急地冲出门外,只见皓月当空 。
After Yi went out to return, missing his wife Chang 'E, he rushed out of the door anxiously, only saw the bright moon.
圆圆的月亮上树影婆娑,一只玉兔在树下跳来跳去 。
On the round moon the shadow of the tree was dancing, and a rabbit was jumping around under the tree. And ...
妻子就站在一棵桂树旁深情地凝望着自己呢 。"嫦娥!嫦娥!"后羿连声呼唤 。
His wife was standing beside a Laurel tree, gazing fondly at herself. "Chang 'E! Chang 'E! " Hou Yi called out.
