英文 关于嫦娥奔月的故事( 二 )

不顾一切地朝着月亮追去,可是他向前追三步,月亮就向后退三步,怎么也追不上 。
Desperate to chase the moon, but he chased three steps forward, the moon three steps back, how can not catch up.
乡亲们很想念好心的嫦娥,在院子里摆上嫦娥平日爱吃的食品,遥遥地为她祝福 。
The villagers miss the good Chang 'E very much and put Chang' E's favorite food in the yard. They bless her from afar.
从此以后,每年八月十五,就成了人们企盼团圆的中秋佳节 。
Since then, August 15 every year, it has become people look forward to a reunion of the Mid-Autumn Festival.
