求 Matthew.Lien 《来自重返布列瑟农》 的中文歌词问题补充说明:an ocean I must crossThe roads and rails and rivers traveledThey carry on without an endOh, your church bells, they are tollingCan they bring me home againYou have been the sole survivorIn a life of love and lossAll the years of tears between usFill an ocean I must crosswoYou would be a sweet surrenderWo my heart would surely stayHow I long for BressanoneAnd the one who holds my heartEvery mile that falls behind meFeels a thousand miles apartYou have been the sole survivorIn a life of love and lossAll the years of tears between usFills an ocean I must crossWo
【求 Matthew.Lien 《来自重返布列瑟农》 的中文歌词】
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