托福 听力 做题 托福听力常见题型解题思路讲解之重听题和判断题( 二 )

(3)贪图量 。囫囵吞枣、走马观花,无质量
托福听力训练是一个磨耳朵的过程,但是这个过程并不是只靠时间就能堆出来的 。听力材料量的多少是衡量能否提高听力水平的一个标准,但是不是唯一的绝对标准 。对听力材料囫囵吞枣式的听是没有任何用处的,不会对听力实力产生任何影响,甚至会产生些负面的影响 。
(4)没分类 。对于托福专业话题依旧没概念
托福听力训练的另外一个很普遍的问题就是,大家在听的时候都不分类 。这样练习听力的话,大家的整体的听力实力会有所提高的,但是大家对托福考试的听力话题依旧云里雾里,没什么概念,等于做了无用功 。
(5)做一遍 。只检查自己而不提高自己
托福听力训练最重要的听的方法就是反复听重复听,只有将一篇材料听熟听透,才能在能力上有所提升 。如果只听一遍或是两遍,甚至于听几遍但是没听懂就放弃了,都没有任何用处 。
(6)缺精选 。话题精、结构精的文章是什么
托福听力训练的目的是要大家答好托福听力考试 。所以大家在进行训练的时候一定要针对托福的经典的话题进行,只有对这些熟悉了,了解了,才能考好脱兔听力 。
(7)看不懂 。没有参考翻译
这个问题在听力的初期尤为突出 。因为词汇量的关系,大家在听的时候没有任何办法听得懂,但是这个时候如果还是没有参考译文,大家的练习的信心可能就会被打击到,而且对听力训练的效率的影响也是非常大的 。
1,It seems like only yesterday that I was sitting where you are, just finishing my first year of medical school and wondering if I'd ever get a chance to use all my new knowledge on a real live patient!
Well, I have good news for you! You don't have to wait until your third or fourth year of Medical school to get some hands-on experience! The dean has invited me here to tell you about the university's rural opportunity program. If you enroll in this program, you can have the opportunity this summer, after your first year of medical school, to spend from four to six weeks observing and assisting a real physician like me in a small rural community. You won't have to compete with other students for time and attention, and you can see what life as a country doctor is really like.
The program was designed to encourage medical students like yourselves to consider careers in rural communities that are still understaffed. It seems that medical students are afraid to go into rural family practice for two reasons. First, they don't know much about it. And second, specialists in the cities usually make more money. But, on the up-side, in rural practice, doctors can really get to know their patients and be respected members of the community.
I participated in the program when it first started and spent six weeks in a small rural town. Let me tell you, it was really great! I got to work with real patients. I watched the birth of a child, assisted an accident victim, and had lots of really practical hands-on experience --- all in one summer. And to my surprise, I found that country life has a lot to offer that city life doesn't --- no pollution or traffic jams, for instance!
