考满分gre等价词 GRE填空等价难题如何找对同近义词( 二 )

通过上述实例分析 , 相信大家也能够明白到一点了 , 那就是做GRE等价题并不是简单的找同义词就能做好的 。特别是在选项中存在不止一组同义词甚至6个选项正好能组成3组同义词的情况下 , 把各组同义词代入句子中还能够保持句意完整一致 , 这样的选项才会是真正正确的答案 。如果考生还在使用不看题目直接从选项中找同义词的解题方法 , 那么就很有可能遭遇问题 , 看似取巧省力的解题技巧也许恰恰会成为致命的扣分原因 。
replicate[英][?repl??ke?t] [美][?r?pl??ket]
vt.复制 , 复写;重复 , 反复;折转;[生] 复制 考试用书
The process of replication is very quick and efficient.
复制的过程快捷、高效 。
Then they replicate and move to the salivary glands.
然后 , 他们复制并移动到唾液腺 。
Virus replicate outside the cells.
病毒在细胞外复制 。
Replicate the directory structure of remote servers.
复制远端服务器的目录结构 。
Where exactly does the virus replicate?
I couldn’t replicate your problem.
我不能复制你自己的问题 。
6. While many people utilize homeopathic remedies to treat health problems, other people do not (i) ______ such alternative treatments, (ii) ______ conventional medical treatments instead.
Blank (i)
A distrust
B countenance
C scrutinize
Blank (ii)
D relying on
E turning from
F eschewing
For each of Questions 7 to 10, select the two answer choices that, when used to complete the sentence, fit the meaning of the sentence as a whole and produce completed sentences that are alike in meaning.
7. Comparatively few rock musicians are willing to laugh at themselves, although a hint of ______ can boost sales of video clips very nicely.
A self-deprecation
B congeniality
C cynicism
D self-mockery
E self-doubt
F self-assured
8. What is most important to the monkeys in the sanctuary is that they are a group; this is so because primates are inveterately ______ and build their lives around each other.
A independent
B self-reliant
C curious
D social
E proprietary
F gregarious
【考满分gre等价词 GRE填空等价难题如何找对同近义词】9. The natural balance between prey and predator has been increasingly ______, most frequently by human intervention.
